LII$ I '+ mP,moP,a,lmT'+P.
Tlh*_ AutoLock TM fk,atum receives and
_rocesses chum sent by broa&as_ers or
o_]wr l_rO_m provide_ _]u_t con_in lnO .
gram cot_tent ,td_isor_s. When programmed
by the viewe_; a TV with AutoLock TM can
respond to du, conwn_ advisories and block
program content tlta_ may be ¢bund objection.
able (such as off_,nsive lmtgu,_ge, vioh,nce,
se._uaI situations, et_.). This is a gn,a_ ¢k,amn,
to censor the type of progrmnming children
may watch.
In the AutoL_*:k TM section, you'll learn how
to block channels and programming that is
not rated, is unrated, or has no rating. You
will also find out bow to turn these blocking
leatures ON or OFF. Following me brief
explanations of some terms and ratings relat-
ed to the AutoLock TM leature,
AutoLock TM oilers various Blocking
Options from which to choose:
BLOCKING: Tile BLOCKING control is
what can be thought ol' as the "master switch"
lk>rAutoLock'r'_h This control altects the set-
tings you have chosen lk_r blocking progrmns
according to movie ratings or TV ratings, or
I_r blocking pmgrmns that have no rating or
are unrated, When the BLOCKING control is
OFF, the blocking or censoring of programs is
disabled, Wben the BLOCKING control is
ON, blocking will occur according to the set-
tings you have chosen.
NO RATING: ALL programming with no
content advisor), data can be blocked if NO
RA'IING is set to ON.
Pro'qrammir_g tlta¢ h,ts No Rating is no¢
encoded with any ra_ing i@_rma_ion f!'om the
MP_4 or the P,_mm, d Guideli_ws. Any pro-
gramming coMd fidl into ¢his cawgo_y.
You also can hlock individual channels or
hlock programming based on ratings of the
MPAA and TV broadcasters. (See a descrip-
tion of the ratings on this page.)
6 _ Off On
G: Ge_wral Audience - All ages admiued.
Most parei_ts would lind this iyiogrammlng
s_imble R_ TM at[ ages. TMs _pe _ program¸
l_irtg contains little or ih) violeli_{3, no
sh'ong language, and tittle or no sexual dia
l{_llc or sexual sit_atlons.
PG: Parental Guidance Suggested- This
programming cortlalns Inal_r_ai t[lal parenls
may find tmsuilable _r your_ger children, I1
may contain one or more of the _llowlng:
Moderate violence_ some sexual silt_atlons.
ill_qnent coar_ lallgllage, or some s_g_._s ¸¸¸
tlve dlalog_e.
PG-13: Parents .gtrongly Cat_tioned - This
programming conlalns Inal_r_ai thai parenls
may find _ns_ilable _r children _nder the
age of 13. It comalns one or more of the _1
lowir_g: violence, sextlal s_ltlatlons_ coarse
language, or s_ggeslive dialogue,
R: Restricted -This programming is specifi
tally designed lor atuRs, Awone ui_der/he
age of 17 _ould view _is pmgrammir_g
only with an accompanying paint or adtth
guardian. It co_alns one or more of the _1
lowirtg: _nlcit'_e violence; hltert_e sexllal sitn
aliorts: _rollg, coar_ lallgllage; or illterL_ely
st_gge_llve dlalog_e.
NC47: No one un&r the age of 17 will be
admit_,d. - This type of programming should
be viewed by ad_lts onl_ h contains graphic
v_olellce; explicit _ex; or crude. ]ndecertl lai_
32."Adults OMy - This lype of pmgrammlng
con/alas one or more of/he lifllowing: vmy
graphic violence, very graphic and expiiclt or
indecent _cxual acla, very coarse a_d inlense
ly st_gge_five langtmge.
Off On
TI5Y7: (I)ireeted to Older Children ......
This p_gmm is deslgsedjbr chlhhvn
ages 7 arm above) It ir,ay 1_ more
appmp_iate liar dfiktren who have acq_ircxt the
deveh_Dncm _kills necxlcxt _ di_ingtai_
bct_een ma£c-_lieve and _alltg. This pm
g_m_m_ng m_ inclutlc mlkt lar_ta_ a_l(l comic
violence (FV).
TV.G: (GeneralAud[ence Mo_t pat-
ents wouM firM this program suitable for'
aH ages¸) This type of progmmmi_
g_age, and lltlle or _o _xual dialyze or _xual
TP'd4: (Parents Strongt) Cautioned
This l,_gram _rttah_s some material
that maw_ panmts wouhl fit_ umultabh
for thiM_vn usder lg year_ oj age ) This/ype
of progmmn_h_g colltah_ one or more of (he
Ibllowing: internee vlolcnce (V); inter_se sexual
situations (S); strong, coarse language (L); ol
imenscly s_ggestive dlahlg_e (D).
TV-MA: (Mature Autlieace Only .....
Thi_prog_wr_£sspedfica/£y &?slgnedto
&, viewed l_'ia&d_ asd the_@2rcn_),
be ussuitable for _hildrert ureter 17 ) This _ype
of progmmmhlg contahl_ one oi"IllOr_O_'I_l_
tbilowhag: graphic violence (V); explicit se_al
situations (S); or crude, indecent lai_guagc(Lh