Чтобы прервать процесс приготовления во время приготовления нажмите на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, в нижней
части экрана появится надпись «Вы хотите остановить приготовление?». Нажмите кнопку под-
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
для отключения духовки.
По окончанию приготовления духовой шкаф будет издавать звуковой сигнал, оповещая об отклю-
чении нагревательных элементов. На экране появится подсказка «Нажмите
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, чтобы продолжить
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, чтобы завершить приготовление». Таким образом, нажимая на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, духовой шкаф
продолжит приготовление с теми же настройками, что были установлены прежде, с автоматическим
отключением через 6 минут. Нажимая на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
духовка отключится.
2.1. Standby Screen and Main Menu Items
It is the screen on which no program is running. Highline200 has three different standby screens
and these can be changed over from the "Settings" menu. The first screen shows the logo and
the date-time information and the second one shows the analog time and date information
digitally and the third one shows the digital time.
While the “analogue clock” is shown on the standby screen , the background color turns red,
when the oven temperature exceeds 60 C.
Easy Cook: A menu in which cooking is done with select only cooking function setting.
Chef: The menu in which cooking is done.
Prepared Recipes: A menu of various recipes prepared.
Favorite Foods: The menu in which programs most frequently used are saved.
Alarm: Alarm menu set for general uses except for cooking.
Settings: The menu in which product settings are made.
Service: The menu for access to authorized service phone numbers.
2.2. Easy Cook
Easy Cook is a program which cooking is done with only selecting cooking function. The cooking
temperature determined automatically according to cooking function. Users must be finished the cooking
manually when they want.
User can pause the cooking with OK button and enter the setting menu. Than change cooking function,
cooking temperature and cooking time if they want.
Духовой шкаф может запомнить до пяти программ, которые Вы хотели бы сохранить. Программа
предусматривает все настройки режимов, температуры и пр. Таким образом, включить духовой
шкаф с нужными Вами настройками по конкретному рецепту будет намного проще.
Чтобы сохранить любимую программу, следуйте следующим инструкциям:
1. Вне режима приготовления зайдите в раздел «Любимые программы».
2. Выберите пустую ячейку для заполнения будущей программой. Программы маркируются под
названием «Любимая программа 1», «Любимая программа 2» и т.д. без возможности переиме-
нования. Если все ячейки заняты, Вы можете перезаписать любую ячейку.
3. Духовка предложит записать в эту ячейку последние используемые параметры. Выбрав
«Сохранить», будут сохранены последние настройки, при выборе «Продолжить», можно устано-
вить необходимые параметры вручную.
4. После установки необходимых изменений с помощью кнопки
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
пролистайте до последнего
экранного меню и нажмите кнопку подтверждения
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Чтобы воспользоваться любимой программой, зайдите в раздел «Любимые программы», выберите
сохраненную программу и выберите «Старт». Если Вы выбрали не ту программу и еще не запустили
ее, нажмите кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Для изменения настроек во время приготовления нажмите на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, духовой шкаф пере-
йдет в режим ожидания и переведет процесс нагрева на паузу. После установки необходимых
изменений с помощью кнопки
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
пролистайте до последнего экранного меню и нажмите кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Для просмотра всех параметров во время приготовления нажмите на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
. На экране будет
показана вся информация по заданным настройкам в течение нескольких секунд и автоматически
переведет экран обратно на процесс приготовления.
Чтобы прервать процесс приготовления в режиме паузы (в режиме изменения настроек) нажми-
те на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.