PHT_USER_PROFILE ( p. 429) The PHT_USER_PROFILE handle is used to obtain information about the
currently logged in user and for setting the user preferences. The handle is
obtained by calling the PrlSrv_GetUserProfile ( p. 283) function. To obtain
information about any user (not just the currently logged on user), see the
PHT_USER_INFO ( p. 425) handle.
PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_FLOPPY ( p. 437) The PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_FLOPPY handle contains information about a
virtual floppy disk in a virtual machine. The handle is obtained by making
the PrlVmCfg_CreateVmDev ( p. 645) or the PrlVmCfg_GetFloppyDisk ( p.
674) function call.
PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_HARD_DISK ( p. 437) The PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_HARD_DISK handle is used to manage virtual
hard disks in a virtual machine. The handle is obtained by making the
PrlVmCfg_CreateVmDev ( p. 645) or the PrlVmCfg_GetHardDisk ( p. 679)
function call.
partitions of a virtual hard disk in a virtual machine. The handle is obtained
by making the PrlVmDevHd_AddPartition ( p. 438) or the
PrlVmDevHd_GetPartition ( p. 441) function call.
PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_NET_ADAPTER ( p. 454) The PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_NET_ADAPTER handle is used to manage
network adapters in a virtual machine. The handle is obtained by making
the PrlVmCfg_CreateVmDev ( p. 645) or the PrlVmCfg_GetNetAdapter ( p.
690) function call.
PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_OPTICAL_DISK ( p. 480) The PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_OPTICAL_DISK handle contains information
about a virtual optical disks in a virtual machine. The handle is obtained by
making the PrlVmCfg_CreateVmDev ( p. 645) or the
PrlVmCfg_GetOpticalDisk ( p. 693) function call.
about a virtual parallel port in a virtual machine. The handle is obtained by
making the PrlVmCfg_CreateVmDev ( p. 645) or the
PrlVmCfg_GetParallelPort ( p. 696) function call.
PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_SERIAL_PORT ( p. 481) The PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_SERIAL_PORT handle is used to manage serial
ports in a virtual machine. The handle is obtained by making the
PrlVmCfg_CreateVmDev ( p. 645) or the PrlVmCfg_GetSerialPort ( p. 701)
function call.
PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_SOUND ( p. 483) The PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_SOUND handle is used to manage sound
devices in a virtual machine.
PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_USB_DEVICE ( p. 486) The PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_USB handle is used to managing USB devices in
a virtual machine.
PHT_VIRTUAL_DISK ( p. 488) The PHT_VIRTUAL_DISK handle is used to create, configure, and manage
Parallels virtual disks. A virtual disk is comprised of a set of files including a
configuration file containing information about the disk parameters (number
of heads, cylinders, sectors, etc.) and the files that are used for data
storage. Once created, a virtual disk can be connected to a virtual machine
and recognized by it, just like a physical hard disk can be installed in a
physical box. To create a new virtual disk use PrlDisk_CreateDisk ( p. 495)
or PrlDisk_CreateDisk_Local ( p. 496). To obtain a handle to an existing
virtual disk, use PrlDisk_OpenDisk ( p. 510) or... more ( p. 488)
PHT_VIRTUAL_MACHINE ( p. 518) PHT_VIRTUAL_MACHINE is the main virtual machine management
handle. A handle to an existing virtual machine is obtained from the
PHT_JOB ( p. 148) object returned by the PrlSrv_GetVmList ( p. 285)
function. To create a new handle, call the PrlSrv_CreateVm ( p. 251)
PHT_VIRTUAL_NETWORK ( p. 599) The PHT_VIRTUAL_NETWORK handle is used to manage virtual networks.
A new handle is obtained by calling the PrlVirtNet_Create ( p. 600) function.
A handle to an existing virtual network is obtained by calling the
PrlSrv_GetVirtualNetworkList ( p. 284) function.
2 Parallels C API