A maintenance wash, sometimes known as a service wash, maybe required if you start to get smells
in your washing machine. This is typically caused by frequent washing at low temperatures especially
if large quantities of concentrated fabric conditioner are also used. This is why we recommend a
maintenance wash.
To check if your washing machine is being affected, carefully examine the inside of the door seal for a
greasy slime or black dots. Pull the lip in front of the drum and look underneath the lip of the drum as
it can accumulate a greasy slime, which causes smells, and affects the door seal.
To remove the smells and black dots we recommend you run the washing machine at a
high-temperature (90°C Cotton Wash) program once a month. The high temperature kills off bacteria
and unwanted fungal growth. A maintenance wash involves putting the washing machine on the
hottest wash (90°C Cotton Wash) with only the detergent with some old cotton towels or rags. If you
normally use a washing machine detergent that doesn't contain bleach (some eco detergents do not,
check the packet for ingredients), we recommend you buy some detergent that does contain bleach
ingredients (or “bleaching agents”), and use it for your maintenance wash. This will help kill off
bacteria and prevent black mould and greasy slime build up. Caution, do not put chlorinated bleach in
the washing machine as this can damage the machine and your laundry. The most appropriate type of
bleach for washing machines are “oxygen bleaches”.