LCD Window – 3 2 c harac ter LC D displays
system status m essages, zone
descripti ons, system tr oubles, e tc.
STATUS Light. Lights ( green) to i ndicate
that the syst em is ready for arm ing. If a
zone is not s ecured, the l ight will be off
and the zone will display in the window. If
a zone has been bypas sed, the ST ATUS
light will blin k while armed.
ARMED Light. Lights (r ed) to i ndicate that
the system is arm ed. If an al arm has
occurr ed, the ARM ED LED wil l be
flashi ng.
Alarm Speaker – Will sound a LOUD
steady s weep tone when in trusion is
detected or a dis tinct p ulsati ng ton e f or a
fire alar m condition. Also chirps to
indicate ar med AW AY, and provi des for
audible v oice prompts.
STAY Button – Press once to ini tiate the
arm Stay s equence. Stay Mode
bypasses all interior zones
simul taneously to allow f ree mov ement
within th e premis es. Hold d own f or 2
seconds if all zones secure to eli minate
60-second pr e-arm delay.
AWAY Button – Press to initiate arm
AW AY sequence w hen no one is t o
remain hom e. Exi t and clos e garage
door f rom outside the prem ise s. System
will be f ully armed wit h all perim eter and
interior devices activated.
BYPASS Button – Press to enter the
Bypass Menu, where s ystem f unctions
are displ aye d i n th e LCD wi nd ow. Pr ess
YES to select the des i red f uncti on; pr ess
RESET to exit. Bypassing a zone
deactivat es the zone f rom the system.
MENU Button – Press to enter F unction
Mode, in which av ailable s ystem
functions are displa yed in the LCD
window. T he desired func tion is then
selected by pressi ng the YES butto n.
Press R ESET to exi t.
RESET Button – Press to s ilence Fir e
alarms , troubles and exits F unction Mode
(see MENU Button) .
YES Button – Press to sel ect the desired
function i n menus (see ME NU Button ,
NO Button – Press to answer no to menu
questions a nd proce ed to the next
question (s ee MENU Button, above) .
ENTER Button – Press to accept dis played
value and to move cursor to next
posi tio n.
Integral PIR – Us ed to det ect i ntruders and
your prese nce near th e T ouc h pad d ur i ng
arming and disarm ing. Do not block.
FIRE Button – Press and hold dow n for
2 seconds to alert t he Centr al Station of a
fire emer gency.
+ AUX Button – Press and hold do wn for 2
seconds to alert the C entral S tation of a
auxil iary emergency .
Police Button – Press and hol d down
for 2 sec onds to alert the C entral Station
of a polic e emergency.
I-FOB – The I-F OB is a uniquel y coded
digital key. Ins ert the I-FOB i nto its
keyhole to disarm the syst em and s ilence
the siren i n case of an alarm .
Slide Plate – Lift to v iew brie f descriptions
of Touchpa d butto ns and proce dures.
Bypass Icon – Appears as a rem inder that
zones h ave been b ypassed ( by pres sing
the BYPASS button) . If it is necessar y to
bypass an y inoperati ve zones, i t is
impor tant to have t he zones r epaired as
soon as possible.
Fire Icon – Steady in dicates a f ire alarm
condition. F lashing i ndicates fire alar m
Fire TBL Icon – Indicat es a problem on a
fire zone i s detected.
System TBL Icon – Indicat es a tr ouble
condition exists on the system. Press
SILENCE to s ilence s ounder and displa y
the trouble.
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Friday, September 15, 2006 11:40