Digital Landscape & Nature Photography For Dummies
flight, birds in, 160–163
fluid ball head, 71
fluids, drinking ample, 31
focal length
choosing, 25–28
choosing a camera, 38–39
depth of field, controlling, 20
for landscape photography, 25–26
for macro photography, 27–28
for mountains, 220
for nature’s patterns, 197
for sunrise photography, 246
for sunset photography, 252–253
for trees in forests, 217
for wildlife photography, 26–27
focal length multiplier, 39
focal point, 81
changing object on which you, 109
on reflections in still bodies of
water, 235
for shooting video, 69
A Fog upon the Bay (photograph),
foggy days, 105–107
folded length of tripod, 48
food and drink for animal
photography, 183
foot zoom, 25, 40, 134
forecast, checking weather, 108
in landscape photography, 26
ocean photography, including
objects in, 229
color in, looking for, 215
curves, looking for, 216
diagonal lines, looking for, 216
differences, looking for, 214
ISO setting for, 216–217
landscape format for, 216
overview, 213–214
patterns in, looking for, 215
trees in, shooting, 217
tripod for shooting, 217
vantage point for shooting, 216
what to look for in, 214–216
wide-angle focal length for, 216
frame rate for shooting video, 69
frames, using natural, 89
an animal in motion, 175–178
motion, 23–24
“friend” a wildlife photographer, 167
f-stop, 13–14, 17, 54–55. See also
full frame sensor, 36
Full Photo Edit mode (Photoshop
Elements), 283
• G •
gear, limiting amount of, 134
Golden Hour
early morning light, 96–97
late afternoon light, 97–101
overview, 96
sunrise photography, 247
sunset photography, 252, 258
graduated neutral density filter
described, 47
for mountain photography, 222
Guided Edit mode (Photoshop
Elements), 283, 285
• H •
hands warm, in stormy weather
keeping your, 108
The Hawk Speaks (photograph),
HDR Efex Pro (Nik Software), 262,
310, 312
HDR (high-definition range)
Aperture Priority mode for, 263
Auto-Exposure Bracketing (AEB)
for, 263
creating HDR images, 266–268
ISO setting for, 263
overview, 261–262
Photoshop Elements used to create
HDR images, 266–268
shooting images for, 262–263
software for, 262
time-delay function for, 263
tripod for, 263
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