Table of Contents
1 Revision Overview
1.1 Revision – Overview 6
2 Safety
2.1 Important provisions for all products 7
2.2 Correct use of all products 9
2.3 Personnel and organizational requirements 10
2.4 Safety regulations for initial start-up and
operation 11
2.5 Safety regulations for assembly,
maintenance, and repair work 13
2.6 Fire and environmental protection, fluids
and lubricants 17
2.7 Standards for warning notices in the text
and highlighted information 19
3 Transport
3.1 Transport 20
3.2 Lifting instructions 21
3.3 Engine mount shipping lock 22
3.4 Crankshaft transport locking device 23
4 General Information
4.1 Tightening specifications for screws, nuts
and bolts 26
4.2 Engine side and cylinder designations 39
4.3 Engine layout 40
4.4 Sensors and actuators – Overview 41
5 Technical Data
5.1 Product data 20V4000Gx3x, continuous
operation 3A, optimized fuel consumption 44
5.2 Product data 20V4000Gx3x, continuous
operation 3B, optimized fuel consumption 48
5.3 Product data 20V4000Gx3x, continuous
operation 3B, optimized exhaust gas
emission (TA-Luft) 53
5.4 Product data 20V4000Gx3x, continuous
operation 3B, EPA stationary EMERG T2
(40CFR60) and EPA Nonroad T2 Comp
5.5 Product data 20V4000Gx3x, continuous
operation 3B, NEA Singapore for ORDE and
China Nonroad Mobile Machinery Stage III 60
5.6 Product data 20V4000Gx3x, standby
operation 3D, optimized fuel consumption 64
5.7 Product data 20V4000Gx3x, standby
operation 3D, EPA Stationary EMERG T2
(40CFR60) and EPA Nonroad T2 Comp
5.8 Product data 20V4000Gx3x, standby
operation mode 3D, NEA Singapore for
ORDE and China Nonroad Mobile
Machinery Stage III
5.9 Product data 20V4000Gx3x, standby
operation 3E, optimized fuel consumption 77
5.10 Product data 20V4000Gx3x, standby
operation 3E, optimized exhaust gas
emission (TA-Luft) 80
5.11 Product data 20V4000Gx3x, standby
operation 3E, NEA Singapore for ORDE and
China Nonroad Mobile Machinery Stage III 83
5.12 Product data 20V4000Gx3x, standby
operation mode 3F, optimized fuel
consumption 87
5.13 Product data 20V4000Gx3x, standby
operation mode 3F, optimized exhaust gas
emission (TA-Luft) 92
5.14 Product data 20V4000Gx3x, standby
operation mode 3F, EPA Stationary EMERG
T2 (40CFR60) and EPA Nonroad T2 Comp
5.15 Product data 20V4000Gx3x, standby
operation mode 3F, NEA Singapore for
ORDE and China Nonroad Mobile
Machinery Stage III
5.16 Product data 20V4000Gx3x, continuous
operation 3G, optimized fuel consumption 103
5.17 Product data 20V4000Gx3x, continuous
operation 3G, optimized exhaust gas
emission (TA-Luft) 108
5.18 Product data 20V4000Gx3x, continuous
operation 3G, EPA Nonroad T2 Comp
(40CFR89) 111
5.19 Product data 20V4000Gx3x, continuous
operation 3G, NEA Singapore for ORDE and
China Nonroad Mobile Machinery Stage III 114
5.20 Final compression pressure 118
5.21 Firing order 119
5.22 Engine – Main dimensions 120
6 Operation
6.1 Putting the engine into operation after
extended out-of-service periods (>3 months) 121
MS150093/05E 2018-12 | Table of Contents | 3
DCL-ID: 0000005896 - 007