6 Selecting the spindle speed
Themiller is equippedwith an electronic speedcontrol
system. This enables the continuousadjustment of the
spindle speedwithin arangefrom 5000-20000rpm to suit
different materials, tool feed speeds, infeeds and milling
cutter diameters. Optimum adaptationofthe milling para-
meters is therefore possible to suit all operating conditions
encounteredunder practicalcircumstances.
Fundamentally speaking, the following apply:
Higherspeeds Smallermilling cutter diameters
High feed
High infeed
Lower speeds Greatermilling cutter diameters
Lower feed
The table on the front of the millerprovides assistance
when selecting the right spindlespeed.
7 Working with the miller (Fig. 6)
Wear protective goggles when milling.Itisimperative that
the safety instructions included be observed!
TheMicro millerMF70CNC-ready and compoundtableKT
70 CNC-ready weredesigned for fine, precision work.
Decisive milling parameters such as infeed or feed should
therefore be adapted in the software you are using.
Pleasenote that, in addition to negatively influencing the
working results, mechanicalorelectricaloverloadingofthe
machinealso strikingly increasesmachinewear,particularly
on the drive, bearingsand guides.
1. The workpiece 1should be fixed reliably and safely
using either the clamping jaws 2provided or another
appropriate clamping medium.
2. Realisethe milling process. Ensure thatthe switch 3is
in the “On” position. The motorshould be activated
manually if the CNC controlsystem does not support
automatic activation and deactivation of the spindle
3. Set the appropriate speedwith the knob4ifneces-
4. Ensure thatthe feed speedand infeed depthare
appropriate!The milling cutter should operate during
counter rotationasillustrated in the diagram in Fig. 7.
This means thatthe motionofthe milling cutter
cutting edge should alwaysbecounter to the feed
8 Maintenance and care
Thedeviceismaintenance-free, apart from the necessity
for regular cleaning and,whererequired,readjustment and
lubrication of the guides. Thetasks necessaryinthis
respect aredescribed below.
8.1 Adjustmentofplay in the dovetail guides (Fig. 8)
Pullout the millermainsplug priortoany adjusting, setup
or assemblywork, as there is otherwisearisk of injuryor
possible damagetothe device!
Boththe millerand the compound table areequipped with
adjustable dovetail guides. These provide an option for
counteracting mechanicalwear whichoccurs naturally
when working with the millerorcompound table. The
guides can be readjusted simplyifthe play becomestoo
greatafter asufficiently long period of use. Please note
thatthe procedurefor the miller and compoundtableisthe
1. Loosenthe hexagonal nuts 1.
2. Screw in the setscrews2slightly with asuitable Allen
key. The setting is correct if play is minimal, but the
guide still works smoothly.
Please note:
Excessive tightening of the setscrews results in increased
wearand maydamage the guide!
3. Following successful adjustment, hold the setscrews
in the correct position with an Allenkey and counter
lockbytightening the hexagonal nuts.
Formore detailed information on accessories,please
request our device catalogue from the address specified on
the last page in the warranty information.
Please noteingeneral:
Proxxonbits and cuttershavebeen designed to work with
our machines, whichmakes them optimal for theiruse.
We will not assumeany liabilitywhatsoever forthe safe
and proper function of our devices when using third-party
bits and cutters!
8.2 Cleaning
Alwayspull out the millermainsplug priortomaintenance,
cleaning and repairs. Inadvertentactivation mayresult in