Operation Manual / 2 Safety / A130 - A155
1 Safety / 1.5 Intended use
© Copyright 2017 ABB. All rights reserved. HZTL4022_EN Revision E May 2017
1.5 Intended use
Use on internal combustion engines in general
ABB turbochargers are intended for turbocharging internal combustion engines.
To ensure compliance with the machinery directive 2006/42/EC when using on gas engines,
the turbocharger must be operated in an engine room classified as "not at risk of explosion".
This is in accordance with the position paper [2] relating to ATEX issued by EUROMOT[1].
For use on pre-mix gas engines with ignitable propellents in the gas control system, the en-
ginebuilder must implement appropriate safety measures for explosion protection [3] (such
as flame barriers in the inlet system, for example) to assure that there is no transient pres-
sure increase exceeding a maximum of 12 bar before the turbocharger in case of a deflagra-
The turbocharger supplies the engine with the air volume or air/gas mixture and the associ-
ated charging pressure required for operation.
The turbocharger is solely intended to be operated with a clockwise direction of rotation as
viewed from the turbine end.
The specific operating limits of the turbocharger were determined on the basis of informa-
tion from the enginebuilder about the intended use. These data are given on the rating
ABB accepts no liability and rejects all warranty claims for any non-intended uses.
[1] Euromot = The European Association of Internal Combustion Engine Manufacturers
[2] Directive 94/9/EC concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in
potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX) The Euromot Position as of November
2003, ATEX Euromot Position 191103
[3] Guidelines for proper safety design of inlet systems on gas engines, RWTÜV Essen,
Unapproved operation
Any operation of the turbocharger outside of its operating limits can be haz-
ardous to personnel.
u Only operate the turbocharger within the operating limits.
u Only trained personnel must operate the turbocharger.
The intended use of the turbocharger includes compliance with all regulations and condi-
tions. In particular, the following must be observed:
¡ Operation Manual
¡ Instructions of the enginebuilder
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