8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Controls At A Glance ......................................... _ < T_,_ _ _,., _ , <_.,<._._<_o.,..<_._,._J< o,,,. ,,_._ .,<_
S_ep Select Cycle .d,,.,,,__f __.< _g_..._,_ .,_<r_b_ _r_ q._ _i_¸u,,o.,,,_/_._,_.....
! I_llm_ WgINKL_; FREEFAB_CS_h Pr_s _e a_ma_ieally_es _e roots- _,,,e/_,y R_GULARauLom_cal_ys_s_ ,k_m,,ist_ E_th_loada_ j
_,_ _ ,_ _o_d_,,d_h_,so_w_ meselec_ drynesslevel isre_ l_minlmize, sbu,soff whe_th_ _lec,ed _ry,,e_ I_el _sreac_eaTh_s_ycle_s
c_>ld,,_._ri,'d_'hlch_m_les_hel,_inunhe_dalra_eendof_e_cle S_mply _ ,o_rol_o_he_ir_dda_essle_el(mo,c&y less_ Th_a_gle
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A _e_c_m,_e/s)_r line_e_ ,_o,__ry_ le_dry _ t_e,,i_i_1_f_d _etti_ • i_al p_f_a selling_o_,h__aj,,d_y,,fIotas
L ........................... _'_............. _ ............ TIME DRY/AIR FLUFFma',_e
........ _._,_ _, A_RFLUFF It provides approxlmalel_20
+* _)_,_,!_ minutes°f healedmmblinga'_d5
%% ..-'" "'"" minutesof c_,l dr,wn _umNi,_g
¢on_otpa_ _t_l_.gvaries_g mod_
Step _) Select Temperature Step _ Press Start "",
i *_G,_,.,,._.X£A 0_,;7,,.,12;,;,,,,L r.................................................................
[ P_shIh]sbulton _ost_ thedryer Ibm END oJ_CYCLE SIGNAL
i lab_l_<q'umNeDr)' diverdoor m_stbesMtfo_the41W¢_ Shelly L_lore_e cycleiscomp[mt_, i WRINKLERELEASE(s_IeCHnO_els)_41
MEDIUM- #os #crmancnlprcs_, sY_h¢fics. [ t0 oI_ra[e Iftt_ d°°ris°ptned duri_g ana_diblesigl_alwillsoundDun_g releas__rmklesfromhemsIha_eclean
................................. "T....... _i ..................................................... lhe Wfinke ', ................................ [
@ 0
Care and Cleaning ..............................................
Replacing the Drum Light .................................
Reversing the Door .............................................
& Draperies DO th,_ in m_tlloads _o, b_, r_s6hs a_,o _e ,x_, e a......... po4N_
..._)_ilt'YL57":5'::t't _ ..............t_::t'::t:;:_7:L':t:<2%:?.........................................
Refore You Call ................................................... _':/_: Drying Acce .... , ............................................ "_'_._._
_ _ * Clothes Dryer Warranty ......................................
........... ;__Xi 47;;:.................................................. _ :<<_ _';' '."............. i
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.>, _,_, ,, _ou_a.0 ",.... USER GUIDE
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