............... ._ • i,J,,,i, , , .. L,I,,II, . .
,, : .i,
t, o_:noiol_erate.achalnsewt_etiseamaged,im-
properly_d[usted ornot completely and securely
assembled. _ " . ,':;:
2, O_mte thechain sewon|yin0uMoor ames.
3. Do n0t_opemtethe sawfrom a l_dder or in a tree.
4. pOsl|{onal|pade ofyeurbodyto theIeftofcutand
away from-the saw chain when the eng|ne, is:
cunntng__ , , _,,_ '
5.. Cutwoodn nly,Donotcutme|at,p]asllcs.,iasonPj,non.
but_dingmajiertals,etcDonor_e _ursaWtopL3tor
shoveawayiimb_ roo_so_other_iect_ .... r
6, Ma_ e4JtethechainWi_lli0tmake_ontact witha_ob.
]_t while_t_axtln9theengine, .l_r trf _s_art the_w
When tileguidebar iSinacuIor_rL i' .
7_ tjse'ext_'emecaution when cuttlngstoat|s_brush
' _inL!_pllnga,-Slender matefl_l _n catchthe saw
i;haIn_ai_d be whipped tOW_d_ '_r puff yO_Ofl
6. Be_ett for Sprtngbeckwhen _tti_9 _,timb that is
_nde_tenst0nsoyou wiII notbeStruckbythelimb or
saw when (hetensi_in the Wo_dlibels iS reIeased.
9. DOhot'PUtp_Ssure on thesa_vat|heend old cut.
con;!plsted; . .-",. .... ..... " -
lO.stop the engine before setting the saw down.
WORKINGORDER ' ""' .......,:: ' ' '""
ServiceCe,ter Wtthth__ O!theitems!i_e_ in
mpropertoolse_eused_ renege,or.holdthe flywheel
whenservicingthe cinch, strupturatdamage to the
fl_hee! ca__r a_d ca_setheeywh_ttob_r_,
2 I(eep fuel an_l o "caps _C!_r_hd fasteee_
securely tightened;.. :.... _,'_.. ; '
•3. Keep the handles dry,c ean,ahd free of oilor fuel
mtxture k+,' L4 _ ...... " ': +_ r [ _3+ '
4. M_'keee_lain_|heS;_t_J_fi1_.to'p'smovingwhan|he
thm_ie tt'IgDb;_is released'. F_r_rection |ete_ tO
page 19 for carburetortdieadjustment instructions,
5, Stop|he._wiftha_.hainst_esafPre_gnodject.tn"
spect he unitandtep_r or replac_parlssa necessa_l,'
6 Disconnect the sparkpiug before pelfmmlng any
maintenance except;fo_car_u_e_oradjustments.
7. Never,'n_odllyyoursawin anyway. Useont_'attach.
_ShisSp_pii_lo[_pedfl_ly rec_ommended_ Sears.
e '_Aiways'|;ep _,c_th'e h_ndgua'rd |mmed!etelyIfit
becomes damaged, or ..broken ¢_r.ts .otherwise
Keep the vibration' ISotato_sin-good condition.
them_r portioqffon_themetalmou_ings Haveyour
Sears ServiceCen!er reptacethe !solders it Wornor
o| itis_eCOmmendedthat_ isolatorsL_!eptacedwhen
a {alluretooneoccurs
1. Hendcar¢),thounit W],ththee_gli_estoppe_,themuf.
tierawayImmyoui'body; andthegu_ebarandchin tel
thereatcoveredpreterat2ywiih eSca_bard =.
2, Beforetransporting inanyvehicle orst_ri,g I. a_,y'
anelosu_, a!!o_vyoorsaw to coolcompI_ely,cover
1he bar and chain and p:;ope|lysecure to avoid
turnover, fuel sp!llageor damage
o i.o,a.d b,,fora;tori.
30 days,
4. Store _na dr./area out ot thezeech bf _|d_'en end
fromwhei'efuel vapomcan reachs'part_oran
opei'_flamet_omh_w_af flealets,furnacesetc.
NOTE:ExposuretOvib_It[o_sih_ugh prolongeduseof
¢_aln's_v_ mW produce Whltefir_]er disease
(Reynaud's phehomenoh), Thls phenomenon
reduces the hend's ability to (eel and regulate
temperature produces'h_mbness and burning
' sense|lobsend _n ee,bse nerveend ctmuletion
damage and ti_Ue ne_msfs, ' .
An antt.vibreti_ '$yst_,m destgned to reduce
engine vibreltonisrecommendedfortho,_eusing
chain _'_ onaregula_orsustainedbas_s_ndiS
pmvfdedot_this saw, However,anantlvlbratton
s'_t_tem doear not g_srantee the _oldence of
m_ moniterelose[ytheiruseof chaln_ws end
physlcaiconditlon:r'_!': ;
Notice: Reiert_ theCodeoi 7--bderalBegutat_cns,Sexton
• tgt0 _5); 25! _' Ar_n_ric_Natlo6alStandard
, ._'_:_ _nd re_t._tp eatery;codes,whm,
• u_Inga chainsaw|orto_gIngt_rpo_s,, : ....