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EAN 4043619910526
PCMCIA Card Reader 2 in 1 Compact Flash I/II -
IBM Microdrive Typ II PC Card
Practical attendant for every notebookholder but also for mini- and desktop-PC´s or other
peripherals applicable. Requirement herefor is a PCMCIA-slot type I/II( PC Card).
Through plugging the card reader into the PCMCIA-slot the card reader is immediately available
and the operating system provides a new drive. An installation for the card reader is not
necessary as the PCMCIA- drive of the notebook, etc. is already active.
Compact Flash Typ I/II
IBM Microdrive-Typ II PC-Card-Format
System requirements
Package content
ard reader
• a free PCMCIA slot
• C
• Blister
• Supports any Operating System