2.2.1. Visit or Calls f rom Door Cam era
A. When the Call button on the cam era is pressed, All monitors on th e
syst em will ring with a chime sound and all m onitors will be activated.
B. Aft er the call, if not hing on the monitor is pressed, the syst em will t ime
out aft er 30 seconds. If the monitor button is pressed, the system
will stay active for 90 seconds.
C. You are able to terminate the activity on the monit or at any time by
pressing the Cut-off but ton .
D. Press door release butt on from monit or can release rem ote door
strike at d oor camera.
Operating the video intercom syst em consist s of responding to visitor
calls from door camera, releasing a door strike from indoor monitor;
audio and video monit oring from any indoor m onit or; voice broadcast
from one monit or to all others; engage intercom f unction aft er voice
2.2.2. Audio and Vi d eo m onit or ing
A. Pressing the monit or button will turn on the audio and video from
door camera.
B. If t here is a second door cam era on this system, pressing the Monitor
button again will scroll the image to t he second expansion door
At anytime if you wish to terminate the monitoring, press the Cut-off
button t o term inate the system.
2.2. HFX-700M KIT Operat ion
2.2.3. (sim il ar to w alk y-t alk y)Push to t alk m ode
A. on means voice is f ree to go out from monitor to
door camera.
Communication LED
B. During t he conversat ion, press the Monitor Button for 2 seconds to
switch to push-t o-talk mode. In this mode, pressing the Monitor Button
(Communication LED will turn on) will activate the on e-way voice
communication to the door cam era; releasing the Monitor Button and
(Communication LED turns off )allow for one-way voice communication
to com e in from the door cam era to t he monitor.
C. This function can be useful when the environment at door camera side
becomes too noisy.