CH: Nominal thermal flow rate kW 25,00 34,60 16,0 34,60
kcal/h 21.500 29.756 13.760 29.756
Nominal thermal power (80°/60°) kW 24,43 33,74 15,6 33,74
kcal/h 21.006 29.012 13,416 29.012
Nominal thermal power (50°/30°) kW 26,13 36,75 16,8 36,75
kcal/h 22.468 31.601 14,434 31.601
Reduced thermal flow rate kW 6,00 7,00 3,5 7,00
kcal/h 5.160 6.020 3.010 6.020
Reduced thermal power (80°/60°) kW 5,86 6,88 3,4 6,88
kcal/h 5.041 5.918 2.890 5.918
Reduced thermal power (50°/30°) kW 6,44 7,55 3,7 7,55
kcal/h 5.537 6.490 3.148 6.490
(*) DHW: Nominal thermal flow rate kW 25,00 34,60 - -
kcal/h 21.500 29.756 - -
Maximum thermal power (**) kW 25,00 34,60 - -
kcal/h 21.500 29.756 - -
Reduced thermal flow rate kW 6,00 7,00 - -
kcal/h 5.160 6.020 - -
Minimum thermal power (**) kW 6,00 7,00 - -
kcal/h 5.160 6.020 - -
(**) average value among various sanitary running conditions
Working efficiency Pn max - Pn min (80-60°) % 97,7-97,7 97,5-98,3 97,5-96,0 97,5-98,3
Working efficiency 30% (47° return) % 101,2 102,1 101,1 102,1
Combustion efficiency % 97,9 97,8 97,6 97,8
Working efficiency Pn max - Pn min (50-30°) % 104,5-107,3 106,2-107,8 104,9-104,6 106,2-107,8
Working efficiency 30% (30° return) % 107,1 108,6 107,8 108,6
Electric power W 130 175 130 175
Category II2H3P II2H3P II2H3P II2H3P
Supply voltage V - Hz 230-50 230-50 230-50 230-50
Protection level IP X5D X5D X5D X5D
Chimney and skirt losses with burner off % 0,10-0,80 0,10-0,80 0,10-0,80 0,10-0,80
CH operation
Maximum pressure - temperature bar 3-90 3-90 3-90 3-90
Minimum pressure for standard working/operating bar 0,25-0,45 0,25-0,45 0,25-0,45 0,25-0,45
Selection field of CH water temperature °C 20-80 20-80 20-80 20-80
Pump: maximum head available for system mbar 300 300 300 300
capacity l/h 1000 1000 1000 1000
Membrane expansion tank l 10 10 10 10
Expansion vessel pre-charge (CH) bar 1 1 1 1
DHW operation*
Maximum pressure bar 6 6 - -
Minimum pressure bar 0,15 0,15 - -
Hot water quantity: ∆t 25° C l/min 14,3 19,8 - -
∆t 30° C l/min 11,9 16,5 - -
∆t 35° C l/min 10,2 14,2 - -
DHW minimum capacity l/min 2 2 - -
Selection field of DHW temperature °C 35-60 35-60 - -
Flow regulator l/min 10 14 - -
Gas pressure
Natural gas pressure (G20) mbar 20 20 20 20
LPG pressure (G31) mbar 37 37 37 37
Hydraulic connections
CH input-output Ø 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 3/4”
DHW input-output (GREEN C.S.I.) Ø 1/2” 1/2” - -
Water tank delivery-return (GREEN R.S.I.) Ø - - 3/4” 3/4”
Gas input Ø 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 3/4”
Boiler dimensions and weight
Height mm 845 845 845 845
Width mm 452,5 452,5 452,5 452,5
Depth mm 358,5 358,5 358,5 358,5
Weight kg 44 47 39 43
Fan performance
Fan residual head, pipes 0,5 + bend 90° (intake+discharge) Pa 110 209 57 209
Flow rates (G20)
Air capacity Nm3/h 31,237 43,231 20,446 43,231
Fumes capacity Nm3/h 33,744 46,701 22,050 46,701
Mass flow (max-min) gr/s 11,31-2,72 15,67-3,17 7,41-1,62 15,67-3,17
Fume exhaustion and air suction concentric pipe
Diameter mm 60-100 60-100 60-100 60-100
Max lenght m 7,80 7,80 7,80 7,80
Loss for a 90°/45° bend m 0,85/0,5 0,85/0,5 0,85/0,5 0,85/0,5
Hole in wall (diameter) mm 105 105 105 105
Fume exhaustion and air suction separated pipe
Diameter mm 80 80 80 80
Max lenght m 40+40 50+50 40+40 50+50
Loss for a 90°/45° bend m 0,8/0,5 0,8/0,5 0,8/0,5 0,8/0,5
Nox 5 class 5 class 5 class 5 class
Emission values at maximum and minimum of gas G20 ***
Maximum CO s.a. lower than p.p.m. 180 250 91 250
CO2% 9 9 8,8 9
NOx s.a. lower than p.p.m. 50 70 16 70
∆t fumes °C 34 54 50 54
Minimum CO s.a. lower than p.p.m. 40 40 10 40
CO2% 9,3 9 8,8 9
NOx s.a. lower than p.p.m. 40 60 15 60
∆t fumes °C 28 36 39 36
*DHW values refer to GREEN C.S.I. models.
*** Tested with Ø 60-100 concentric - lenght 0,85m - water temperature 80-60°C.