ATTENTION!Before lifting a load,make sure that you know how to use this device.All improper
uses are outlined here may cause damage to the device and put user under danger.
Safety application requirements.
For safety use:
1. You use the mower lifts only for lifting.
2. Keep children away from lawnmowers safe distant.
3. Do not let anyone approach the load when you are using the mower lift.
4. Never leave the mower lift unattended when you use it.
5. Never use the mower lift exceed its capacity.Overload may cause damage to this
equipment,and cause a defect and serious injury.
6. The mover lift has to be put on a flat and stable ground,use on soft surface may cause
instability and overturn.
7. Always determine the load along or transverse reinforcement, which is located on the opposite
of the screw.The load should always be placed horizontally and attached to the mower lift not to
damage and to prevent the load from sliding or fall down.
8. Always check the good effect from lawnmowers lift before use.
9. When it comes to a ride-on-mower, make sue that the nobody staying on the load.
Carefully read the pictures for Assembling before use.
Position the jack on a lawnmower flat and stable surface.
1.Expand the steel tube and fix three screws
2.Install the hand and fix the screws.
3.Remove the locking peg.
4.Put the crankshaft upwards
For a better use it is recommended to grease the screw before loading.