Health Plus (HP), Soup (So), Continental (Co), Indian Cuisine (IC), Sweet Corner (SC),
Breakfast (bF), Child's Favourite (CF), Snacks (Sn), Bakery (bA)
Health Plus (HP), Soup (So), Continental (Co), Indian Cuisine (IC), Sweet Corner (SC),
Breakfast (bF), Child's Favourite (CF), Snacks (Sn), Bakery (bA)
Fermentaiton (FE), Utility Corner (UC)
Fermentaiton (FE), Utility Corner (UC)
Press Stop/Clear
Press any of above food category button to select the required food category
(HP-1~8), (So-1~5), (Co-1~6), (IC-1-12), (SC-1~6),(bF-1~7), (CF-1~8),
(Sn-1~10), (bA-1~7)
Press Stop/Clear
Press FE & UC button to select the required
food category (FE-1~2 & UC-1~4)
Press “+” / “–” to select weight (if required)
Press Start
Stop/Clear nck,a Stop/Clear nck,a
,fPNd O;atu oxZ (FE-1~2 & UC-1~4) ds
O;atu pquus ds fy, FE vkSj UC nck,aA
,fPNd O;atu oxZ (HP-1~8), (So-1~5), (Co-1~6), (IC-1-12), (SC-1~6), (bF-1~7),
(CF-1~8), (Sn-1~10), (bA-1~7) pquus ds fy, mijksDr O;atu oxZ dk dksbZ Hkh
cVu nck,aA
otu fu/kkZfjr djus ds
fy, “+” / “–” nck,a ¼;fn vko';d gks½A
otu fu/kkZfjr djus ds
fy, “+” / “–” nck,a ¼;fn vko';d gks½A
Start nck,aStart nck,a
Please follow the given steps to operate cook functions (Nutri Care - Health Plus, Soup, Continental), (Indian Rasoi - Indian Cuisine, Sweet Corner), Breakfast, Child's Favourite, Snacls. Bakery, Fermentation, Utility Corner) in your Microwave.
Ñi;k vius ekbØksoso dh fofHkUu dk;Ziz.kkfy;ka (Nutri Care - Health Plus, Soup, Continental), (Indian Rasoi - Indian Cuisine, Sweet Corner), Breakfast, Child's Favourite, Snacls. Bakery, Fermentation, Utility Corner) dks pykus ds
fy, uhps fn;s x;s pj.kksa dk vuqlj.k djsaA
Press “+” / “–” to select weight (if required)
While cooking you can extend the cooking time at any point by pressing increase/decrease button. There is no need to stop the cooking process.
tc vki Hkkstu idk jgs gksa] rks dsoy increase/decrease cVu nck dj gh le; esa ifjorZu fd;k tk ldrk gSA Hkkstu idkus dh izfØ;k dks jksdus
dh dksbZ vko';drk ugha gSA
Note / %
Various Cook Functions
fofHkUu dqd dk;Ziz.kkfy;ka
Press Start
Light Disinfect
Light Disinfect
Press Stop/Clear
Press Light Disinfect button to select
the function.
Press Start
Stop/Clear nck,a
bl izfØ;k dk pquko djus ds fy,
Light Disinfect cVu nck,aA
Start nck,a