Unless otherwise specified, this manual uses the following terms.
Term Description
Actual system configuration An abbreviation for an actual system configuration connected to each network master module, built-in Ethernet port
CPU, and bridge module.
Address A parameter assigned to a slave module to identify each node on a network.
AnyWireASLINK configuration An abbreviation for a system configuration connected with AnyWireASLINK.
AnyWireASLINK master module A generic term for LJ51AW12AL, QJ51AW12AL, and FX3U-128ASL-M.
ASLINKAMP A generic term for sensor amplifiers that have an AnyWireASLINK interface.
ASLINKER A generic term for I/O devices that have an AnyWireASLINK interface.
Bridge module An abbreviation for NZ2AW1C2AL CC-Link-AnyWireASLINK bridge module, NZ2AW1GNAL CC-Link IE TSN-
AnyWireASLINK bridge module, and NZ2AW1GFAL CC-Link IE Field Network-AnyWireASLINK bridge module.
Built-in Ethernet port CPU A generic term for L02CPU, L02CPU-P, L06CPU, L06CPU-P, L26CPU, L26CPU-P, L26CPU-BT, L26CPU-PBT,
Built-in Ethernet port LCPU A generic term for L02CPU, L02CPU-P, L06CPU, L06CPU-P, L26CPU, L26CPU-P, L26CPU-BT, and L26CPU-PBT.
CC IE Field configuration An abbreviation for a system configuration connected with CC-Link IE Field Network.
CC-Link configuration An abbreviation for a system configuration connected with CC-Link.
CC-Link IE Field Network master/
local module
A generic term for LJ71GF11-T2 CC-Link IE Field Network master/local modules.
CC-Link IE Field Network-equipped
master/local module
A generic term for RJ71GF11-T2 CC-Link IE Field Network master/local modules and RJ71EN71 (when the CC-Link IE
Field Network function is used).
CC-Link master/local module A generic term for RJ61BT11 CC-Link system master/local module, LJ61BT11 CC-Link system master/local module,
QJ61BT11N CC-Link system master/local module, L26CPU-BT, and L26CPU-PBT built-in CC-Link system master/local
CC-Link Ver.2-compatible slave
A slave station which supports the remote net Ver.2 mode.
Communication setting A generic term for the settings (such as IP address) to communicate using Ethernet.
Connection method A generic term for the sensor network and each network that can be connected using iQ Sensor Solution
CPU module A generic term for LCPUs, QCPUs, RCPUs, and FXCPUs.
Device supporting iQSS A generic term for devices which support iQ Sensor Solution.
Engineering tool A tool for setting, programming, debugging, and maintaining programmable controllers.
A generic term for GX Works2, GX Works3, MI Configurator, and MELSOFT Navigator.
Ethernet configuration An abbreviation for a system configuration connected with Ethernet.
FX5CPU A generic term for MELSEC iQ-F series CPU modules.
FXCPU A generic term for MELSEC-F series CPU modules.
GX Works2 A generic product name for SWnDND-GXW2 and SWnDNC-GXW2. ('n' indicates its version.)
GX Works2 Version 1.15R or later supports MELSOFT Navigator.
GX Works3 A generic product name for SWnDND-GXW3. ('n' indicates its version.)
ID Distinguishes an input or output based on an address.
• Output module ID: Address
• Input/combined module ID: Address + 200H
iQ Works An abbreviation for MELSOFT iQ Works.
iQSS An acronym for iQ Sensor Solution.
LCPU A generic term for MELSEC-L series CPU modules.
LHCPU A generic term for MELSEC iQ-L series CPU modules.
MELIPC An abbreviation for MELIPC MI5000 series.
MELSOFT Navigator A product name for the integrated development environment included in SWnDND-IQWK (MELSOFT iQ Works) ('n'
indicates its version.)
MI Configurator A generic product name for SWnDNN-MICONF-M. ('n' indicates its version.)
Profile Data that stores the information of a device supporting iQSS (such as a module model name).
QCPU A generic term for MELSEC-Q series CPU modules.
RCPU A generic term for MELSEC iQ-R series CPU modules.
Remote I/O module A generic term for basic digital input modules and basic digital output modules of CC-Link IE Field Network.
RnENCPU A generic term for R04ENCPU, R08ENCPU, R16ENCPU, R32ENCPU, and R120ENCPU.
Sensor parameter A generic term for parameters (such as threshold or sensor operation mode) of a device supporting iQSS.