QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE > CI905DTTG1 Date: 02.03.2023 > 1
Primary Modular Induction
Cooktop, 90cm, 5 Zones with
Series 11 | Minimal
Create the ultimate culinary solution with our Modular Cooktops.
Tailor your cooking experience by combining this sleek Primary
Induction Cooktop with our Auxiliary Induction Cooktop,
Teppanyaki Cooktop and Ventilation module.
Select and distribute modular cooktops according to your
patterns of use, for complete design freedom
With five cook zones, you can enjoy the immediate heat
response and extremely accurate temperature control of
induction technology
Control each cook zone from a large intuitive touchscreen,
including pairing zones to create a large SmartZone
Choose from sleek black glass or subtle grey glass finish to suit
your kitchen design
Comes with a Wireless Temperature Sensor for precisely
controlling cooking in real time and monitor your cooking with
the SmartHQ™ app.
Height 58mm
Width 900mm
Depth 530mm
Wireless temperature sensor 1
Product dimensions
Depth 530mm
Height 58mm
Width 900mm
SKU 83010
The product dimensions and specifications in this page apply to the specific product
and model. Under our policy of continuous improvement, these dimensions and
specifications may change at any time. You should therefore check with Fisher &
Paykel's Customer Care Centre to ensure this page correctly describes the model
currently available. ? Fisher & Paykel Appliances Ltd 2020
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