Barco service bulletin
Serial Number: Info-T 775
Date: 29/08/2008
Product: iD LR/NR-6, iD (Pro) R600(+)
Priority code*: B
”Must” modification, Barco will provide the necessary components to perform this modification
at no charge.
Improves the reliability of the product.
Improves the general working conditions of t he pr odu ct.
For information only.
1. ID LR/NR-6 AND ID (PR O) R600(+) LOCK-UP
1.1 Problem description
Description of the problem
When Dynacolor is enabled and the projector is switched off AND powered off, it might not
be possible to restart it. At that time the projector resides in standby mode.
Projector types involv ed
The following projector types suffer from the problem
Product number
iD LR-6 R9010342
iD LR-6 custom R9210342
iD NR-6 R9010352
iD NR-6 custom R9210352
iD R600 R9010340
iD R600 custom R9210340
iD Pro R600 R9010350
iD Pro R600 custom R9210350
iD R600+ R9010341
iD R600+ custom R9210341
iD Pro R600+ R9010351
iD Pro R600+ custom R9210351
Software versions involved
All software versions between 1.31 and 1.40 suffer from the problem
Barco nv Presentations
Noordlaan 5, 8520 Kuurne
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