13/32 EN
Refrgerator / User Gude
4.1. What to do for
energy saving
Connectng the product to
electronc energy-savng systems
s harmful, as t may damage the
• Do not keep the refrgerator doors
open for long perods.
• Do not place hot food or beverages
nto the refrgerator.
• Do not overfll the refrgerator;
blockng the nternal ar flow wll
reduce coolng capacty.
• In order to store the maxmum
amount of food nto the cooler
compartment of your refrgerator, you
should take out the upper drawers
and place t onto the glass rack. The
declared energy consumpton of your
refrgerator was determned by takng
out the cooler, ce tray and upper
drawers n a way that wll enable
maxmum storage. Usng the below
drawer when storng s strongly
recommended. Energy savng
functon should be actvated for best
energy consumpton.
• You should not block the arflow by
puttng food n front of the cooler
fan. A space of mnmum 3cm must be
left n front of the protectve fan wre
when placng food.
• Dependng on the product’s features;
defrostng frozen foods n the cooler
compartment wll ensure energy
savng and preserve food qualty.
• Food should be stored usng the
drawers n the cooler compartment
n order to ensure energy savng and
protect food n better condtons.
• Food packages should not be n drect
contact wth the heat sensor located
n the cooler compartment. If they are
n contact wth the sensor, energy
consumpton of the applance mght
• Make sure the foods are not n
contact wth the cooler compartment
temperature sensor descrbed below.
4 Preparaton
4.2. First Use
Before usng your refrgerator, make sure
the necessary preparatons are made
n lne wth the nstructons n “Safety
and envronment nstructons” and
“Installaton” sectons.
• Keep the product runnng wth no
food nsde for 6 and do not open the
door, unless absolutely necessary.
A sound wll be heard when the
compressor s engaged. It s
normal to hear sound even when
the compressor s nactve, due to
the compressed lquds and gasses
n the coolng system.
Front edges of the product mght
heat up. Ths s normal. These
areas are desgned to warm up n
order to prevent condensaton.
In some models ndcator panel
turns off automatcally 5 mnutes
after the door closes. It wll be
reactvated when the door s open
or any button s pressed.