Ilot Line Water Ileaters. ECR International. warrants that the
[lot Line tank shall be fi'ee of defects in material and workman-
ship during normal use attd service flw as long as the original
residential purchaser owns the home in which the unit was orig=
inallv installed. For the purposes of this Limited \Varranty. Fes:
identia[ purchaser is defined as the owner of a single family
home in which the purchaser +resides on a pet'manent basis.
If at the time of a request for warranty the original residential
purchaser can not provide a copy of the original sales receipt,
deed. or equivalent document, then the warranty pet'iod fist+the
[lot Line shall be seven (7) years ft'om the date of manufacture
of the unit. The Limited WatTantv on the tank shall be reduced
to a period of three (3) years if the purchaser is a business, part-
nership or corporation, or if the water heater is used [br a com-
mercial or multi-family residential property application.
Shouhl a leak develop within this Limited \VaFl'anty period due
to defective materials or workmanship atHl such leak having
been verified by an authorized company representative. I+;CI{
[nternationa[ will repair the unit or furnish a replacement Hot
Line heater or the nearest comparable model available at the
tim+: of replacement.
1+;(21{lntel'national shah not be liable for arty water damage
arising directly or indirectly from atty defect in the water
heater or component part(s) or from the use thereof or attv
service call not involving malfunction or defects in materials or
l) The unit is not correctly installed according to the installa-
tion instructions provided with the unit.
2) The residential indirect:fired water heater is installed in
buihlings other +than one or two [amily dwelling units_ unless
the buihlings contain individual indirect-fired water heaters
for each dwelling unit.
3) The indirect-fired water heater is o[)erated at water tem-
peratnres of more than 125 degrees K atnl water pressure of
more than 150 I)SI.
4) The failure or malflmction results from improper or negli-
gent operation, accident, abuse (including freezing), misuse.
unauthorized alteration, improper repair or maintenance.
excessive pressure or leaks at water connections or arty other
similar cause.
5) The failure or malfunction results from failure to keep the
unit fidl of potable water, fi'ee to circulate at all times; or Fail:
ure due to water sediment or scale deposits.
6) The original serial number of the water heater cannot
readily be determined.
Page 16
7) ECR International fhtt Line is installed outside of the
[!nited States ov Canada.
8) ECR International [lot Line is repaired or ahercd without
prior written approval of ECI{ International attd this serv-
ice adversclv affects the prod uct's reliability.
9) The malfimction or rc[)airs rcsuh fi'om the use of ECI{ In=
ternational Hot Line for purposes other than that for which it
was designed or arty malfuction resuhing from flood, fire+
wind or lightning.
ECI{ International will provide, under the Limited Warranty,
only a replacement water heater+ repairs, ov parts fiw defcc=
tire units. The Limited Warranty does not cover atty compo=
nent of ECI{ International f|ot Line that has to be replaced
during the warranty [)eviod as a result of reasonable wear
attd tear. labor costs, shipping charges, delivery cx[)enscs.
nor administrative fees incurred by the customer in removing
or reinstalling the Hot Line.
In no event shall ECI{ Intel'nationa[ be liable for incidental or
consequential damages. Some states do not a[htw the exch*sion
or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the
above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
In order to gain coverage under this Limited Lift:time Warran=
ty, the consumer is required to fill out and mail the Limited
Warranty registration card provided with the unit I)y regis:
tered mail within 31)davs of purchas+:.
To submit a warranty (:lain+. contact the dealer who sold the
[lot Line covel+ed by this Limited Warranty. If the dealer can:
not be located, contact ECI{ International at the address
shown below. \Vhenevel" any inquiry or service request is
made, please include the [lot Line model number+ serial num-
ber'. date of installation, atnl dealer's name.
No warranty, express or implied, other than the fiwegoing Lim-
ited \Varrantv is authorized by ECI{ International atnl no rcp:
rcsentatixe of ECR International or of the manufacturer of arty
component has the authority to amend, extend, modify, enlarge
or contract the fiwegoing Limited Warranty atHl the disclaimers
of the Limited Warranty in arty manner whatsoever.
P.O.Box 4729 • Utica, NY 13504.4729