Use fuses listed in the appropriate drive Hardware Manual for input cable protection.
The recommendations for obligatory DC side semiconductor fuses, aR fuses, are
listed in Table 2. Use 690 VAC rated fuses for 230...500 V converters and 1250 VAC
rated fuses for 690 V converters. The aR fuses protect the converter against short
circuits in other converters. Because of the complicated fault current paths the
selectivity of the fuses cannot be guaranteed in all conditions.
aR fuses must be installed on both DC wires.
Table 2 Recommended DC side aR fuses.
Frame size 230 V 400 V 500 V 690 V I / A
R2 0001-2, 0002-2, 0003-2 0003-3, 0004-3, 0005-3 0004-5, 0005-5, 0006-5 20
R2 0004-2 0006-3 0009-5 25
R2 0005-2 0009-3 0011-5 40
R3 0006-2, 0009-2 0011-3, 0016-3 0016-5, 0020-5 50
R3 0011-2 0020-3, 0023-3 0025-5 63
R4 0011-7 25
R4 0016-7 32
R4 0020-7 40
R4 0016-2, 0020-2 0025-3, 0030-3 0028-5, 0030-5, 0040-5 0025-7 63
R4 0035-3 0045-5 0040-7 80
R5 0025-2 0040-3 0050-5 0050-7, 0060-7 100
R5 0030-2 0050-3 0060-5, 0070-5 125
R5 0040-2 0060-3 160
R6 0070-7 125
R6 0100-7 160
R6 0120-7 200
R6 0050-2, 0060-2 0070-3, 0100-3 0100-5, 0120-5 315
R6 0070-2 0120-3, 0130-3 0140-5, 0150-5 400
R6 0140-7, 0170-7 350
Frame size 230 V 400 V 500 V 690 V I / A
R7 0080-2 0140-3 0170-5 0210-7, 0260-7 400
R7 0100-2 0170-3 0210-5 500
R7 0120-2 0210-3 0260-5 550
R8 0320-7, 0400-7 700
R8 0140-2, 0170-2 0260-3 0270-5, 0300-5, 0320-5 0440-7 800
R8 0490-7, 0550-7 900
R8 0210-2 0320-3 0400-5 0610-7 1000
R8 0230-2 0400-3 0440-5, 0490-5 1250
R8 0260-2, 0300-2 0440-3, 0490-3 0550-5, 0610-5 1600