2 App_im_ce
Chek whe her _he appIian_'e ha been ¢om_ecled {othe get,era{or
v,h<mi_)a e*_gbe i stam',d
Disco,meet J'_e app/ia_ee from receptae/eo
3 Co_m_/box
Check _ire _eads in control box lk*r_oose connections Secure
eonr_eeti_ms if_ecessar D
Laag-te_m _torage ofyo,_r machi_e wil_ req<_ire om__preve_'_tive
p_'ocad_,,_c:,to gtmrd against de_erioratio_
_, Pater *_abou_ 2 -,4c¢ SAE _0W30 or 20W40 ,natal OHh_to the
eyli_der wid_ the spark plug removed Draitr the fl_el_¥om the
ca r5_ etor eol_rlp]ete ]y,
2, Use _he recoiN starter _ot_r_ _he
eggi_e ove_' severa_ times {with
_g_io_, cap o_Tt
3 P_tll th__r_'co Istarter m_il yo_
tkcl compressia_
4 Stoppailing,
5 Draiall {;.tel f]xim the [aBk ca*'elk_lly.
6 C/eaa_ ex_eri_r atthe, ge*_era_or a_d apply a _t inI_ibitor
7 S[ore tl'_e ger_e_rato_ ii1 a dry we/i ve_t _ated p_ace with the eater
p_ace over h,,
8_ F}_egenerator m,aa_remaig i_ a ver{_ca_ poaiiiog
Aher a b_g t_z,:mstorage of your machine_ chm_ge the engi_e oii
beiL,_e i_tarts