Add a phonebook record
2.+/-: PHONEBOOK -> %.
3.% -> ADD NEW.
4.Enterthename(max.14character).Pressthekey to the corresponding character to
display the correctletter. See the character table for more information.
6.Enterthenumber(max.20digits). If you needa pausebetweendigits, press andhold
the# until a P appears inthedisplay.This will insert a3-secondpause in the dialing
1.The phonebook is sharedby all handsets.Changes madetothephonebook onany
one handsetapply toall.
2.The directory canstoreup to 100 entries with upto20 digits for eachtelephone number
and 14characters for eachname.
Character table
Use the dial pad and the chartbelow to enter a name (up to14 characters).Each press of
a particular key displays thecharacterin thefollowing order:
Dial pad key Character by number of key presses
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 space 1 _ < > ?
2 A B C 2
3 D E F 3
4 G H I 4
5 J K L 5
6 M N O 6
7 P Q R S 7
8 T U V 8
9 W X Y Z 9
0 0 - / ||| # +
NOTE: Press ( to correctan error.
To view/calla phonebook record
Records are stored alphabetically in the phonebook.To search thephonebook:
NOTE: You can alsoaccess thephonebook by pressing % and selecting
3.$ to call the displayed entry.
To search a phonebook entry alphabetically
2.Press +/- to scroll toany entry.
3.Press the dial pad key (0-9)thatcorrespondstothefirstletteroftheentryyou are
looking for. The closestmatch in alphabetical order will appear.You canthenpress
+/- to view thenextentry.
4.% toview thephone number.
$ to call the displayed entry.
Chain dialing
This feature allows you to initiate adialing sequencefromnumbers storedin the
phonebook while you are ona call. This feature is useful ifyou wish to accessanother
numbers (suchas bank accountinformation oraccess code) fromthephonebook.
To access a numberin thephonebook while on acall:
2.+/- to locatethedesired entry.
3.$ to dial the number.
Edit a phonebook entry
2.+/-: locateadesired entry -> %.
3.+/-: EDIT CONTACT -> % twice.
4.Edit the name by using the del/int key toerase andbackspace,thenenternew
characters using the dial pad keys andpress %.
5.Edit the number by using the del/intkey to eraseand backspace,then enter new
numbers using the dial pad keys andpress %.
Delete a phonebook entry
2.+/-: locatethedesired entry -> %.
4.% 3 times toconfirm.
Delete allphonebook entries
2.+/-: selectany entry -> %
2.+/-: DELETE ALL.
3.% twice to confirm.
Using Caller ID service
IMPORTANT: To use the Caller-IDcapabilities ofthis telephone system,you must
subscribe toCaller-ID services fromyour service provider. Checkwith yourtelephone
service provider for details. Your telephone storescaller ID memory for the 40mostrecent
calls. Each entry holds up to 20digits for the telephone number and14characters for the
Review/callfrom the call log
As calls are received and stored,thedisplay is updated to letyou knownew calls have
been received.To scroll throughthecaller ID records:
2.- to view fromthemostrecentcalls, or + to view the oldest calls.
3.When the desired recordis displayed,press $ to call.
Save a number to the phonebook
2.+/-: locatethedesired record-> %.
4.Enterthenameby using the dial pad keys ifnecessary -> %.
5.Edit the number by using the dial pad keys ifnecessary -> %.
Delete callerIDrecord
2.+/-: locatethedesired record-> %.
3.+/-: DELETE to deletetheselected record-> % twice.
+/-: DELETE ALL to deleteall records -> % twice.
Answering system
Turning the answering systemon or off
Using thetelephone base:
Press M on thetelephone basetoturntheanswering systemonor off.
The M buttonwill light when the answering systemis on.
Using a handset:
2.+/-: ANSSYSTEM-> %.
4.+/-: ON orOFF -> %.
Answering system and voice mail
You telephone has abuilt-in answering systemandvoicemail indicator (if yousubscribe
tovoicemail offered by yourtelephone serviceprovider). They are independentfeatures
and eachalerts you to new messages differently. To listen toyour voicemail, follow the
instructions provided by your voicemail service provider.
Message capacity
The answering systemcanrecord upto59 messages.Each message canbe upto3
minutes in length,andthetotal recording timeis 15 minutes.When the message capacity
is full, theanswering systemonly plays theoutgoing announcement but will not record
any message.
Telephone base volume
Use the PO buttons toadjust the playback volumeat the telephone base to a
comfortable level (a beep tone will sound when the volume reaches themaximumor
New message indicator
When thereare newmessages ontheanswering system, thenumber ofnewmessages
flashes on the message window onthetelephone baseand the D icon flashes.
Outgoing Announcement (OGA)
When theanswering systemanswers acall, thepre-recorded outgoing announcement is
played tothecaller unless youhave recordedyour ownoutgoing announcement.
Record an outgoing announcement (OGA)
To record your OGA:
2.+/-: ANSSYSTEM-> %.
3.+/-: ANNOUNCEMENT -> %.
4.+/-: RECORD OGA -> %.
5.After a beep sounds,speak intothehandsetas youwould normally during a call while
recording your OGA (2 minutes maximum).
6.% when finished. The systemwill then play back therecorded message.
Delete your recorded OGA
Ifyouwant to use thepre-recorded outgoing announcement,simply delete your recorded
2.+/-: ANSSYSTEM-> %.
3.+/-: ANNOUNCEMENT -> %.
4.+/-: DELETE -> %.
Play the current outgoing announcement
The following steps allow you tolisten to thecurrentoutgoingannouncement.The
answering systemplays thepre-recorded outgoing messageif youhavenot recorded
your own.
To listen to the current outgoing announcement:
2.+/-: ANSSYSTEM-> %.
3.+/-: ANNOUNCEMENT -> %.
4.%:PLAY MESSAGES. The systemannounces the current outgoing announcement
you areusing.
Number of rings before the systemanswers
You can selectthenumber ofrings before the answering systemanswers a call.
2.+/-: ANSSYSTEM-> %.
3.+/-: SETTINGS -> %.
5.+/-: selectthedesired setting -> %.
NOTE: If youselect TOLL SAVER, the systemanswers after the secondring if there are
new messages,orafter the fourth ring if thereis no newmessage.This allows youto
check your systemtosee ifthereare newmessages before incurring toll charges.
Security code for remote access
Your answering systemallows you toprograma 4-digit security codetogetaccess to the
systemthroughany touch-tonetelephone.The defaultsecurity codeis 0000.
To view the current remote code:
2.+/-: ANSSYSTEM-> %.
3.+/-: SETTINGS -> %.
4.+/-: REMOTE CODE -> %.
5.%:VIEW CODE.The screen displays thecurrentremote code.
To change the remote code:
2.+/-: ANSSYSTEM-> %.
3.+/-: SETTINGS -> %.
4.+/-: REMOTE CODE -> %.
5.+/-: CHANGE CODE -> %.
6.Usethedial key pad toenter anew 4-digit securitycode -> %.
7.Enterthecodeagain -> %.
When theanswering systemanswers acall, you canlisten atthetelephonebase while
thecaller leaves amessage.
At the telephone base:
The messageautomatically plays onthetelephone base.UsethePO buttons to
adjust speaker volume.
From a cordless handset:
1.%.The caller’s voice will be heard while theanswering systemis recording the
2.To intercept duringhandset screening,press $ buttonon the handset.The
answering systemwill automatically stop recording whenyou doso.
Message playback using the telephone base
1.Press S on the telephone base to listen to the messages.
2.The systemannounces thenumberofmessages anddateandtimewhen the message
was recorded.
3.Press S again tostoptheplayback.
Options during playback
Key Operation
PO Press toadjust the listening volume.
S Press toplayback or stopmessages.
R Press torepeata message.Press twicetoplay the previous message.
T Press toskip tothenextmessage.
Q Press during playback todelete the currentmessage.
Press and hold in idle modetodeleteall old messages.
Message playback using the handset
To listentomessages ona handset:
1.Press % twice.Your messages will automatically be played backthroughthe
handset speakerphone.Press$ to listen to your messages privately through the
2.The following message options areavailable during playback:
REPEAT: Press 1 to repeatthe currently playing message.
STOP: Press 2 to pause the message currently playing,press 2again toresume
SKIP: Press3 to listen to the nextmessage.
DEL: Press ( to deletethecurrently playing message.
Delete allmessages
Using the telephone base
Press and hold the del key.A confirmation tonesounds to confirm.
Using a handset
2.+/-: ANSSYSTEM-> %.
3.+/-: DEL.ALLOLD.
4.% twice.
Message window
The table below summarizes themessagesdisplayed on thetelephone basedisplay.
- - When theanswering systemis turnedoff.
00 (ON steadily) There areno messages in theanswering system.
1-59 (flashing) Total number of newmessages.
1-59 (On steadily) Total number of oldmessages.
F (flashing) Memoryis full.
CL (flashing) Timeis not setandthereare old messages.
LA (flashing) The telephone is being accessed remotely.
LA/1-59(alternating) The telephone is being accessed remotely and the alter-
nating number indicates thetotal number ofmessages.
L0-L5 (On steadily) Telephone basevolume level when adjusting.
Access the answering system remotely
1.Dial your phone number fromanytouch-tone telephone.
2.Once your answering system takes yourcall and you hearyour outgoing
announcement,press the # key.
3.Enteryour securitycode using the numeric keypad on the touch-tonetelephone.The
systemwill start playing messages after you hear aconfirmation tone.
1.Ifyouranswering systemis off,youwill nothear your outgoing announcement.The
systemwill answer your call after 10 rings.
2.Ifyouhaveenteredan incorrectsecurity code,thesystemwill ask you toenterthecode
3.Ifyouhaveforgotten the security code,youwill need to resetthe system.The security
code will be restored to its default setting as0000 aftersystemreset.
Touch Remote command
1 Replay the currentorprevious message.
2 Play/stopmessages.
3 Skip tothenextmessage.
4 Turntheanswering systemonor off.
0 Delete the currentmessage.
Troubleshooting guide
Ifyour telephone systemis notoperating properly, firsttry this general reset procedures:
1.Unplug all power adapters fromthepower outlets.
2.Disconnect the telephone line cord fromthe baseor modular jack.
3.Removethebattery compartmentcoversand unplug all handsetbattery packs.
4.After a few minutes,re-install all handset batterypacks,making surethatthe
connectors aresnug andthewires are notpinched before replacing all battery
compartment covers.
5.Plug the power adapters for thebase andany chargers backinto their power outlets.Be
sure notto useoutlets thatare controlled by wall switches ortimers.
6.Place all handsets in the telephone base or chargerstocharge withoutinterruption for
at least30minutes before use.
7.Plug the line cord intothetelephone baseor modular jack and verify operation.
General Product Care
Avoiddropping thehandset,as well as otherrough treatmenttothephone.Clean the
phone only with adry softcloth.Never use cleaning agents, paintthinner, abrasive
powder, alcohol, or other chemical products to clean the unit. Doing sowill damagethe
unit. Retain the original packaging in caseyou needtoship the phoneata later date.
Important Safety Instructions
Someof the following information may notapply toyour particular product;however,
when using telephone equipment,basic safety precautions should always be followed to
reduce the risk offire,electric shock and injury topersons,including the following:
1.Readand understand all instructions.
2.Follow all warnings and instructions marked ontheproduct.
3.Unplug this product fromthewall outlet beforecleaning. Do notuseliquid cleaners or
aerosol cleaners. Use adampcloth for cleaning.
4.Telephones should notbeused while you arein abathtub, showeror pool.Immersion
of the telephone or handsetin water could cause anelectrical shock.
5.Slots andopenings in thecabinet back orbottomare provided for ventilation,toprotect
it fromoverheating.Do notblock or covertheseopenings. Donotblock theopenings by
placing the productona bed,sofa,rug,or othersimilar surface.Do notplace this product
in a built-in installation unless proper ventilation is provided.
6.Only operate this product from thetypeofpower sourceindicated on the marking label.
Ifyouare notsureofthetypeofpower supply toyour home,consultyour dealer or local
power company.
7.Plug the adapter into aneasily accessible electrical outlet neartheequipment.
8.Donot allow anythingtorest onthepower cord.Donotlocate this productwhere the
cord will be abused by persons walking onit.
9.Donot overloadwall outlets and extensioncords as this can result in the risk offire or
electric shock.
10. Neverpushobjects ofany kind intothis productthroughcabinet slotsas they may
touchdangerous voltage pointsor shortoutparts thatcould resultin arisk of fire or
electric shock.
11. Never spill liquid ofany kind ontheproduct.
12.To reduce the risk ofelectric shock,do notdisassemble this product.Opening or
removing covers may exposeyou to dangerous voltagesor other risks. Incorrect
reassembly can causeelectric shock when the appliance is subsequently used.
13. Donotexposetheproduct to extremetemperatures suchas areas neara hotradiator,
stoveor in a hotcar. Do notplaceproduct uponotherconsumerelectronic products such
as; computer monitors,power amplifiers, etc.
14. Donotplace lighted candles,cigarettes,cigars,etc.,on or nearthetelephone.
15. Nevertouchuninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone line has
been disconnectedatthenetwork interface.
16. Neverinstall or modify telephone wiring during a lightning storm.
17. Neverinstall jacks or telephones in wetlocations.
18. Usecautionwhen installing or modifying telephonelines to preventelectrical shock
and/or fire.
19. Underthefollowing conditions, unplug this product fromthewall outlet and refer
servicing to qualified service personnel:
A.The power supply cordor plug is damagedor frayed.
B.The producthas beenexposed to rain or water.
C.The productdoes notoperate normally by following the operating instructions.
D.The product’s cabinet has beendamaged.
E.The productexhibits a distinctchange in performance.
20. Avoid using a telephone during anelectrical-storm.There maybe aremote risk of
electric shock fromlightning.
21. Donotusethetelephone to reportagas leak in thevicinity ofthe leak.
22. Donotplace this product onan unstable cart,stand,or table. The productmay fall,
causing serious damage to the product.
23. Only use attachments/accessories specified by themanufacturer.
24. Unplugthis apparatus duringlightning storms orwhen unusedforlong periods of
1.Useonly the type andsize battery(ies) specified in theuser’s manual.
2.Donot usethis productifthebattery door is removed or missing.
3.Replace batteries thatappeartobe swollen or havedamagedwiring.
4.Donot disposeof the battery(ies) in fire.They mayexplode. Checkwith local codes for
possible special disposal instructions.
5.Donot openor mutilate the battery(ies).Released electrolyte is corrosive andmay
cause damage to theeyes orskin. Itmay betoxic ifswallowed.
6.Exercise carein handling battery(ies) in order notto short outthe battery(ies) with
conducting materials such as rings,bracelets,and keys.The battery(ies) or conductor
may overheatandcause burns.
7.Donot attempttorecharge the battery(ies) provided with oridentified for use withthis
product that are notrechargeable.The battery(ies) may leak corrosive electrolyteor
8.Donot attempttorejuvenate the battery(ies) provided with oridentified for use withthis
product byheatingthem.Suddenrelease ofthe battery(ies) electrolyte may occur
causing burns or irritation to eyes orskin.
9.When replacing battery(ies), all batteries should bereplaced atthesametime.Mixing
freshand discharged batteries could increase internal cell pressure and rupturethe
discharged battery(ies). (Applies to products employing more than oneseparately
replaceable primary battery.)
10. Wheninserting battery(ies) into this product,theproper polarity or direction must be
observed. Reverseinsertion ofbattery(ies) mayresult in leakage orexplosion.
11. When inserting battery(ies) into this product,donottwistor pinch the wires or allow
wires to become pinched in battery door.
12. If storing over 30days,removebattery(ies) fromthis productbecause the battery(ies)
could leak and damagetheproduct.
13. Discard“dead” battery(ies) as soon aspossible since “dead” batteries are more likely
toleak in a product.
14. Donotstorethis product,or thebattery(ies) provided withor identified foruse withthis
product,in high-temperatureareas. Batteries that arestoredin a freezer or refrigerator for
thepurpose ofextending shelf life should beprotected fromcondensation during storage
and defrosting. Batteries should bestabilized at roomtemperature prior touse after cold
15. If your productuses rechargeable battery(ies),charge the battery(ies) only in
accordance withtheinstructions and limitation specified intheuser’s guide.
16. Battery safetyprecautions
Do notburn,disassemble,mutilate, or puncture.Like otherbatteries of this type,toxic
materials could be released which mightcause injury to personsor property damage.
To reduce therisk of fire or personal injury, use only thesupplied batteryor replacement
Keep batteries outofthereach ofchildren.
Removebatteries ifstoring over30 days.
Use only thesupplied rechargeable batteryor replacementbattery.
In Case of Problems
Service Hotline
Should problems arise with the telephone, please refer tothefollowing information first.In
thecase oftechnical problems,youcan contactour hotline service,Tel.0900 001675
within Switzerland (Swisscom fees attimeofgoing to print:CHF 2.60/min). Inthecase of
claims under theterms ofguarantee,please contactyour sales outlet.There is a2 year
period ofguarantee.
Problems and solutions
Problems Solutions
No connection tobase
- Check thatthe handsethas beenregisteredon the base
stationwith the correctPIN code.
The systemnolonger
- Reset all thefunctions to their defaultsettings.
- Disconnect thepower adapter plug briefly fromthe power
No telephone calls
- The telephone is notconnectedproperly or is defective.
Only use the telephone connectioncable supplied.
- Test whether the telephone connection is in order by
using another telephone.
- The power adaptorplug is notplugged in or there is a
completepower failure.
- The rechargeable batteries are empty or defective.
- The handsetis too far from the base station.
- The wrong dialling mode is set.
Connection is disturbed
or cutoff
- The handsetis too far from the base station.
- The base station is in an unsuitablelocation.
The batteries are empty
within a shorttime
- The batteries are empty or defective.
- Place thehandsetin thebase station properly. Clean the
contactsurfacesonthehandset andbasestationwith a
- Place thehandsetin thebase station for 16 hours.
The caller number dis-
play (CLIP) does not
- The caller number display (CLIP) is a supplementary ser-
vice offered by your telephone networkprovider. Contact
your networkprovider for further information.
- The caller has suppressed thetransmission of their
phone number.
The answering
machine does not
record any messages
- Check whethertheanswering machine memory is full.
Delete messages fromthe memory, if necessary.
Remoteaccess is not
- Check thatthe correctsecurity codehas beenenteredfor
- The telephone usedfor remote access mustbesetto
Declaration of Conformity
This device fulfils the requirements stipulated in the EU directive: 1999/5/EC
directive on radio equipmentandtelecommunications terminal equipmentand
themutual recognition oftheir conformity. Conformity withtheabove mentioned
directive is confirmed bytheCE mark on the device.To view thecomplete
Declaration ofConformity, please refer tothefreedownload available onour
web siteatwww.switel.com.
SWITEL equipmentis produced and tested according tothelatestproduction methods.
The implementation ofcarefully chosen materials and highly developed technologies
ensure trouble-free functioning and along service life. The terms ofguarantee do not
apply where thecause ofequipmentmalfunction is the fault ofthe telephone network
operator orany interposedprivate branchextension system.The terms ofguarantee do
not apply to the batteries or powerpacks usedin theproducts.The period ofguarantee is
24 months fromthedateofpurchase.All deficiencies relatedtomaterial or manufacturing
errors within theperiod ofguaranteewill be redressed freeofcharge.Rights toclaims
under theterms ofguaranteeareannulled following tampering by the purchaser or third
parties. Damage caused as theresult ofimproperhandling or operation,normal wear and
tear, incorrect positioning or storage,improperconnection orinstallation or ActsofGod
and other external influences are excluded from theterms ofguarantee.In the caseof
complaints, wereservetheright torepair defectparts,replace themorreplace theentire
device. Replaced parts or devices becomeour property. Rights to compensation in the
case ofdamage areexcluded where there is no evidenceof intentorgross negligence by
themanufacturer.Ifyourdevice does showsigns ofa defectwithin theperiod of
guarantee,please contact the sales outlet where youpurchased the SWITEL device,
producing thepurchase receiptas evidence. All claims under theterms ofguaranteein
accordance withthis agreementcanonly be asserted atthe sales outlet.Noclaims under
thetermsofguaranteecanbe asserted after aperiod oftwoyears fromthedateof
purchase andhand-over oftheproduct.
Inorder todispose ofyour device,takeit to acollection point provided by your
local public waste authorities (e.g.recycling centre).According to laws on the
disposal of electronic and electrical devices, owners areobliged to dispose of
old electronic and electricaldevicesin aseparatewastecontainer.The
symbol indicates thatthedevice mustnotbedisposed ofin normal domestic
Batteries represent a hazard to health and the environment!
Never open,damageor swallow batteries or allow themtopollute the
environment.They may contain toxic, ecologically hazardous heavy metals.You
are legally obliged todispose ofpower packsand batteries atthe point ofsaleor
in thecorresponding containers atcollection points provided by local public
wasteauthorities. Disposal is free ofcharge.Thesymbols indicate thatthe
batteries mustnotbe disposed ofin normal domestic waste andthatthey must
be broughtto collection points provided by local public waste authorities.
Packaging materials must be disposed ofaccording to local regulations.