Copyright© 2009 By Echo, Incorporated
All Rights Reserved.
In t r o d u c t I o n
Welcome to the ECHO family. This ECHO product was designed and manufactured to provide long
life and on-the-job-dependability. Read and understand this manual included with your attachment.
You will nd this manual easy to use and full of helpful operations tips and SAFETY messages.
t h e o p e r a t o r 's m a n u a l
contains specications and information for operation, starting,
stopping, maintenance, storage and assembly specic to this product.
ta b l e o f co n t e n t s
Introduction .................................................................... 2
- The Operator's Manual ........................................... 2
Safety ............................................................................. 3
- Manual Safety Symbols & Important Information . 3
- International Symbols ............................................. 3
- Personal Condition and Safety Equipment ............. 4
- Equipment ............................................................... 6
Description ..................................................................... 7
Contents ......................................................................... 8
Assembly........................................................................ 8
- Fender/Wheel Assembly to
Lower Shaft Assembly ............................................ 8
- Lower Drive Shaft Assembly to
Dethatcher Assembly ............................................. 8
- Front J-Handle Assembly ....................................... 9
- Power Head Shaft to Lower Shaft Assembly ....... 10
- Fender/Wheel Assembly Adjustment ................... 10
- Front J-Handle Adjustment ....................................11
Operation ...................................................................... 12
Maintenance ................................................................. 13
- Skill Levels ........................................................... 13
- Maintenance Intervals ........................................... 13
- Lubrication ............................................................ 13
- Tine Replacement ................................................ 14
Storage ......................................................................... 16
Specications ............................................................... 16
Servicing Information .................................................. 20
- Parts/Serial Number .............................................. 20
- Service .................................................................. 20
- ECHO Customer Assistance ................................. 20
- Warranty Card ....................................................... 20
- Additional or Replacement Manuals .................... 20
Specications, descriptions and illustrative material in this
literature are as accurate as known at the time of publication,
but are subject to change without notice. Illustrations may
include optional equipment and accessories, and may not
include all standard equipment.
ProThatch Attachment
Operator's Manual
Model 99944200563
PAS 230/231
PAS 260/261
Read rules for safe operation and instructions carefully. ECHO provides an
Operator's Manual with your original Pro Attachment Series power source or Split
Boom Trimmer. That manual and this manual must be read and understood for proper
and safe operation. Failure to do so can result in serious injury.