Heiman HS1MS-Z User manual

  • I've reviewed the user manual for the Smart motion sensor M417-3Ever1.0. This document provides instructions for setting up, installing, and using the device. It details features like its Z-Wave connectivity, 90° detection angle, and temperature compensation for consistent performance. I'm ready to answer your questions based on this information.
  • What type of battery does the sensor use?
    What is the detection angle of the sensor?
    What is the recommended installation height?
    What is the wireless networking distance?
KSCZZN 2016010502
型 号
版 本
材 质
单 位
日 期
制 图
审 核
核 准
图 幅1/1
Sm a r t M o t i o n Se n s o r
Us e r Ma n ua l
Detecting Area
T i p s
55mm 55mm
55mm 55mm 55mm
Please avoid outdoor installation, places
with pets, air-condition, heat source nearby,
places with direct sunshine and places under rotating objects.
The installation surface should be solid without vibration.
Please install the sensor in the places where an intruder may
pass easily.
1.5m 6m 10m
Please read the user manual carefully before operation.
The guide picture is for reference only, please in kind prevail.
Sma rt m ot ion s en so r adopt s su per low p ow er
con su mp tio n Z-Wa ve wi rel es s net wo rk de sig n and
aut om at ic t hr esh ol d ad ju st ment t ech no lo gy t o enha nc e
the st ab il ity of th e s en so r, eff icien tl y a nti-f al se alarm .
Aut om at ic temp er ature c om pe nsati on t ec hno lo gy, c an
ef fi c ie n tl y pr e ve n t s e ns o rs fro m th e d e cre ase in
sen si ti vit y r es ult ed fro m t he tem perat ur e vari at ion.
Sui ta bl e to b e us ed f or s afety pro te ction of re si de ntial ,
vil la s, fac to ri es, sh op pin g mal ls, wa re hou se s, office
bui ld in gs, b an ks , compu te r rooms a nd o ther pl aces.
Technical Parameters
Plan View
3m 6m 10m
Paste the device in the area required after removing
double-side tap on the back side
Connecting network: According to APP prompt, press the
networking button 3 times within 1.5 seconds, green
fl a s h (M a xi m u m 3 0 s e co n ds w a it i n g ), AP P In t er f a c e
prompted, networking success.
Discormecting network: Click the delete equipment button
on APP, press the networking button 3 times within 1.5
seconds, green light flash 6 times slowly, quit networking.
Detector will enter the network mode by clicking “adding
devices” in the APP
R e s t o r e s e t t i n g s
1 2 3 4 5
76 8 9 10 11
Networking anti-tamper
C h a n g i n g b a t t e r y
Please change the batter y according to negative and
positive of the battery
Pl e ase d e al w i t h wa s te b att e ri e s cor rec t l y fo r
environmental protection.
Open the cover to change Battery
Step 1
Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Side View
1.Power supply 3V DC (CR2450 battery)
2.Static current:≤15uA
3.Alarm current:≤36mA
4.Detecting angle90°
5.Install height2.1m
6.Detecting distance810m
7.Working environment:-10+50
8.Working humidityMaxium95%RHNo condensation
9.NetworkingZ-Wave Ad-Hoc Network
10.Wireless networking distance:≥70min the open area
11.Dimension65 * 65 * 28.5mm
Removing insulator make device on power.
Device will in warm-up state when red LED flash,
after 30 seconds LED off, warm-up complete.
Press the networking switches and power on (put in
battery),ID code will be cleared, then the settings will be
restore to the factory settings.
Product Introduction
Association Group:Root Device group(Notificati on)
Group Number: 1 Maximum Nodes:5
1-Report status of people passing by, no people passing by, tamper alarm
and tamper recovery through lifeline.
2- When the Device detects new event of people passing by or no people
passing by, tamper alarm and tamper recovery, the device will be triggered.
Association Group:Lifeline association group
Group Number: 2 Maximum Nodes:5
Include command classes: Battery report, Notification report, and Device
Reset Locally notification, Binary report.
Association Group:Root Device group(Binary Senso r)
Group Number: 3 Maximum Nodes:5
Binary Sensor Command Class:Compatible with 300 series.
1-Report status of people passing by, no people passing by, tamper alarm
and tamper recovery via lifeline.
2- When the Device detects new event of people passing by or no people
passing by, tamper alarm and tamper recovery, the device will be triggered.
Association Group