Caroma 1807419 Technical Guide

  • I have examined the provided technical guide for the Caroma Cube 320 Wall Basin. This document details the basin's features, including its dimensions, tap hole options, waste outlet specifications, and compliance with accessibility standards. It also includes information about the bowl capacity and color options. I'm ready to answer your questions.
  • What size is the basin?
    What is the bowl capacity?
    What waste options are available?
Suitable for installation to comply to Australian Standard AS 1428.1-2009 Amendment No.1 Design for access and mobility
Date March 2011 17.01
Cube 320
Ceramic Wall Basin
Basin Size: 320mm x 410mm (nominal)
Offering a wide range of basins with strong square angles, slim walls and softened edges, Cube is
a striking design option for the modern bathroom. While the Cube wall basin blends the sharpest
contemporary looks with a welcoming feel, it provides a medium-sized bowl area and a distinctive
tapware platform. The basin is suitable for domestic, commercial and accessible applications X
complying to AS 1428.1-2009 Amd. 1 using standard Caroma plastic traps.*
Tap Holes: Basin available in: one taphole – centre option Code No.683515.
Tapware - other
than sole
occupancy unit:
All electronic and basin care mixers referred to in section 19 comply to
AS1428.1-2009 Amd. 1 installations other than sole occupancy unit when
matched with this basin.
Tapware - sole
occupancy unit:
Recommended tapware for sole occupancy unit for compliance to AS1428.1-2009
Amd. 1;
Electronic Tapware: Designo and Designo Solar.
See section 19 for further details.
Waste Outlet: Chrome flush fitting waste and white plug supplied, suitable for a 40mm trap
connection. Alternative waste options are available — Chrome grate waste and
white plug Code No.687328C, Vandal Resistant Flush Fitting Plug and Chrome
Waste Code No.687141, Covered Plug and Waste Code No.687142 and Vandal
Resistant Covered Chrome Plug and Waste Code No.687143.
Bowl Capacity: 4.8 litres to overflow.
Overflow: Overflow available only. Designed for maximum tap flow rate of 15 litres/minute.
Colours: White only.
D.200 Basin Fixing Kit
included with basin
760 approx. D.200 Fixing Centre
Finished Floor
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* Reference must be made to the AS 1428.1-2009 Amd. 1 to confirm installation requirements.
All dimensions are in millimetres and are subject to normal manufacturing variations.
Caroma pursues a policy of continuing improvement in design and performance of its products.
The right is therefore reserved to vary specifications without notice.
Finished Floor
Free access space
Tapware shown for photographic purposes only
Date February 2015 17.11