• Ensurethatelectricalplugconnectionsareinooding-safeareas;otherwise,thereisadanger
to life from electric shock! If required, use suitable protective housings for the plug connec-
• Protectthemainsplugfromwetness!Nevertouchthemainsplugwithwethands!Thereis
danger to life from electric shock!
• Themainscableormainsplugmustnotbecuto.
c) Operation
• Theproductmustnotbeoperatedbychildrenorteens.Thisalsoappliesregardingpersons
who are not familiar with these operating instructions. Persons with limited physical or mental
capacities must only use the product if supervised and instructed by a person responsible for
• Onlyfreshwaterwithatemperatureofnomorethan+35°Cmustbeconveyed.
• Whenpumpingcontaminatedwater,contaminationsofagrainsizeupto30mmareadmissible.
Observe that the diameter of the hose used and the required connections are designed for
such contaminations.
• Theproductisnotsuitableforconveyingpotablewater.
• Theproductis notsuitableforconveying corrosive/caustic,ammableorexplosive liquids
(e.g. gasoline, fuel oil, nitro diluent), grease, oils, salt water or sewage from toilets.
• Themainssockettowhichthedirtwaterpumpisconnectedmustbeeasilyaccessible.The
mains cable must point downwards from the mains socket so that the water running back at
the cable cannot enter the mains socket.
• Ifthedirtwaterpumpistobeoperated,e.g.,inawell,itmustbesuitablyattached,e.g.witha
rope. The rope must be able to hold at least 3 times the weight of the dirt water pump for re-
cable to carry, hold or submerse the dirt water pump!
• Theproductisnotprotectedagainstrunningdry.
• Theproductmustnotworkinpermanentoperation.
• Nopersonsmustbepresentintheconveyedmediumduringoperation.
• Theproductmustnotbeoperatedinorclosetoexplosiveliquidsorgases;thereisadangerof
• Consequentialdamagecausedbymalfunctionorinterferenceatthedirtwaterpumpmustbe
prevented by suitable measures (e.g. water level indicator, sensors, alarm devices, backup
pump, etc.).
• Theproductisonlysuitableforuseintemperate,nottropical,climates.
• Donotshutotheoutletsideofthedirtwaterpumpwhenitisinoperation.
Use, e.g., a corresponding pressure switch to switch o power supply to the dirt water pump in