general hints and tips
Using the Grill
ā¢ī¬ Separate Grill: Grill with door open.
Grill dish must be fully inserted.
ā¢ī¬ Grill in oven: Grill with door closed.
Hints general
ā¢ī¬ For best baking results preheat oven for 30 minutes
ā¢ī¬ The material and ļ¬nish of baking trays and dishes used will
affect the way foods are baked, especially base browning.
ā¢ī¬ ī¬Enamelware,ī¬anodisedī¬aluminium,ī¬darkī¬bakewareī¬orī¬non-
stick interiors and coloured exteriors will assist in maintaining
or reducing the baking time and increase base browning
ā¢ī¬ ī¬Ovenproofī¬glasswareī¬orī¬ceramicsī¬areī¬poorī¬conductorsī¬
of heat. The shiny surface of aluminium or polished steel
utensils and trays also reļ¬ects the heat rather then passing
it through to the food being baked
ā¢ī¬ ī¬Alwaysī¬placeī¬dishesī¬centrallyī¬onī¬theī¬shelfī¬toī¬ensureī¬
even browning
ā¢ī¬ ī¬Standī¬casserolesī¬dishesī¬orī¬similar-typeī¬dishesī¬onī¬suitablyī¬
sized baking trays to prevent spillage onto the base of
oven to make cleaning of oven easier
ā¢ī¬ ī¬ī¬ī¬ī¬ī¬ī¬ī¬ī¬ī¬ī¬DOī¬NOTī¬placeī¬dishes,ī¬traysī¬orī¬bakingī¬pansī¬
directly on the oven base as they become very hot and
will crack and craze the oven liner
ā¢ī¬ ī¬Useī¬ovenproofī¬cookware,ī¬whichī¬willī¬withstandī¬
temperatures of 250Ā°C
ā¢ī¬ ī¬DOī¬NOTī¬useī¬bakingī¬traysī¬largerī¬thanī¬30ī¬xī¬35cmī¬
(12 x 14 inches) as they will restrict the circulation of the
heat and may affect cooking performance of the oven
ā¢ī¬ ī¬Useī¬shallowī¬casseroleī¬dishesī¬inī¬preferenceī¬toī¬deeperī¬
ones as this shortens cooking time in the oven
Conventional Oven
ā¢ī¬ ī¬Theī¬shelfī¬positionī¬isī¬critical.ī¬Theī¬temperatureī¬inī¬centreī¬
of the oven is the temperature shown on the oven control
knob. Single shelf baking gives optimal cooking results.
ā¢ī¬ ī¬DOī¬NOTī¬placeī¬bakingī¬trays,ī¬ovenī¬dishesī¬orī¬foilī¬directlyī¬
on the base of oven, as trapped heat will crack and
craze the ļ¬oor of the oven liner
Fan Forced
ā¢ī¬ ī¬DOī¬NOTī¬placeī¬bakingī¬traysī¬andī¬ovenī¬dishesī¬directlyī¬
against the grid covering the fan at the back of the oven
ā¢ī¬ ī¬DO NOT Place oven dishes directly on the oven base
ā¢ī¬ ī¬Makeī¬sureī¬shelvesī¬areī¬evenlyī¬spaced
ā¢ī¬ ī¬Whenī¬bakingī¬moreī¬thanī¬oneī¬dishī¬inī¬fanī¬forcedī¬oven,ī¬
place dishes centrally on shelves rather than several
dishes on one shelf
ā¢ī¬ ī¬Whenī¬theī¬ovenī¬isī¬fullī¬youī¬mayī¬needī¬toī¬allowī¬aī¬slightlyī¬
longer baking time
ā¢ī¬ ī¬Whenī¬usingī¬differentī¬sizeī¬traysī¬orī¬cookingī¬differentī¬typesī¬
of food, cooking times may vary for each dish
General tips
Condensation and Steam
ā¢ī īAlwaysīstandībackīfromīheatedīovenīwhenīopeningīovenī
door to allow any build-up of steam or heat to release
ā¢ī¬ ī¬Duringī¬cookingī¬steamī¬mayī¬beī¬producedī¬whichī¬canī¬beī¬
ā¢ī¬ ī¬Ifī¬thereī¬isī¬anyī¬build-upī¬ofī¬condensationī¬onī¬theī¬ovenī¬doorī¬
it is recommended that it be carefully wiped away either
during or after cooking
Cleaning the cooker
Ovens and hotplates are made from steel and enamel. Do not
use abrasives and harsh scourers as they may scratch the surface
Stainless Steel
ā¢ī¬ All grades of stainless steel can stain, discolour or become
greasy. You must clean these areas regularly by following
the procedures below if you want your appliance to look
its best, perform well and have a long life
ā¢ī¬ Care must be taken when wiping exposed stainless
steel edges as they can be sharp
ā¢ī¬ The front frame around the oven can be cleaned with
stainless steel cleaners if it comes soiled or discoloured
ā¢ī¬ A suitable cleaner can be purchased from Electrolux
Customer Care Centres
ā¢ī¬ Make sure you follow the polish or brushing lines in the steel
ā¢ī¬ ī¬Alwaysī¬cleanī¬applianceī¬afterī¬use,ī¬especiallyī¬foodī¬
spillage. DO NOT use steel wool, wax polishes or
caustic based commercial cleaners as these will
damage your oven
ā¢ī¬ ī¬DO NOT use steam cleaners, as this may cause moisture
build-up especially in the glass door
ā¢ī¬ ī¬Doorī¬Glassī¬āī¬DO NOT use harsh abrasive cleaners or
sharp metal scrapers to clean glass since they can scratch
the surface, which may result in shattering of the glass.
Door glass is a tough and durable material designed to
withstand heating and cooling without breaking. However it
must be remembered that it is glass and may break, therefore
must be treated with care. If you have any questions about
the glass in the oven please contact the Service centre on
13 13 49.
10 GENERAL HINTS AND TIPS Chef 540 Upright Cooker