CHAPTER 2 Usage...........................................21
Powering Up a Boiler ..................................................21
Programming a New Touchscreen Controller ..............................21
Setting Loads ........................................................22
Setting Loads Using the Express Setup ...................................22
Setting up Loads on a New Boiler ......................................22
Changing Settings in a Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Resetting a Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Setting Loads Using the Installer Settings..................................24
Setting Up Loads ...................................................24
Changing a Load Type for a Load ......................................25
Changing Settings in a Load Type .....................................25
Removing an Assigned Load Type from a Load...........................25
Managing Errors ......................................................25
Clearing System Errors ................................................25
Viewing Errors.......................................................26
Clearing Entries in the Error Log.........................................26
Networking Multiple Boilers.............................................26
Conguring a Boiler as the Master Boiler ..................................28
Conguring a Subordinate Boiler ........................................30
Combining Loads .....................................................30
Basic (simple) mode ..................................................30
Full mode...........................................................30
What to Consider for Combining Loads ...................................32
Load Priority.......................................................32
Target Temperature .................................................32
Combining Two Loads.................................................32
Restricting Access to Areas in the Controller ..............................33
Turning On Password Control ...........................................33
Turning O Password Control ...........................................33
Setting the Venting Material.............................................34
Setting Overrides .....................................................34
Switching a Boiler to Unoccupied “Away” Mode ...........................35
Turning On Unoccupied Mode ..........................................35
Removing a Boiler’s Unoccupied Mode ...................................35
Low Water Cuto: Resetting and Testing..................................35
Resetting the Boiler after a LWCO Lockout.................................35
Testing the LWCO Function.............................................36
Hi-Limit Temperature: Resetting and Testing ..............................36
Resetting the Boiler after a Hi-Limit Lockout................................36
Testing the Hi-Limit Cuto Temperature Function ............................36
Testing Fan Operation .................................................37
Testing Fan Heat Output ..............................................37
Checking the Heat Output Values ........................................37
Setting the Date and Time ..............................................37
Setting the Date and Time in a Boiler Connected to the Internet ................38
Setting the Date and Time in a Boiler Not Connected to the Internet .............38