Off Ignition’s Off
Blinking Ignition’s On
Blinking 1x/second Searching for GSM Network
Blinking 1x/3seconds GSM Lock (connected to network)
Off Modem Reboot
Solid Searching for Satellite
Blinking GPS Lock
Plug-In AwareGPS Tracking Device Installation Guide
Questions? Contact AwareGPS Customer Support:
Phone: 1-855-894-8729
The connector is located under the dash and is
required to be within two feet of the steering
wheel. If you cannot locate the OBD connector,
please reference your vehicle’s owner manual.
2. Start Your Vehicle, and Check the
Lights on the Device
The first time you plug-in the device, you will need to start your car in
order for the GPS tracking to start and for your vehicle to show up in the
Web site. Your vehicle must be outside and not in a covered area so that it will
receive GPS signal. When working properly, the blue light will blink once every 3
seconds and you will see a blinking green light. It may take up to
two hours to see your car’s location on the map. You may use the
enclosed zip tie to secure the
device and prevent tampering.
When removing the device from your
vehicle, make sure you grasp the
device as close to the port as possible.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: remove device before jump starting the vehicle.
1. Locate the OBDII Port in Your
Vehicle and Connect Your Device.