Time Features
7 8 9
AUTO/TIME twice.
2 Enter defrosting time,
3 Press START.
4 Turnfood over when
the oven signals.
5 Press START
(Auto Defrost explained
in the section on
Convenience Features.)
Allows you {o deti'ost/or the
length of time you select.
See the Defl:osting Guide
tor suggesmd times.
Power level 3 is
automatically set, but
you may change this tor
more {lexibilitv. You may
de/i'ost small items more
quickly [g r_dsing tile t)ower
h'\ el alter entering tile time.
I/owevel; they will need
more {i'equent attemion
than usual.
Power level 7 cuts tile tot_fl
defl:osting time in _d)out
hal/:, t)ower level 10 cuts the
total time to apt)roximately
1/3. Rotate or stir tood
/i'e(t uemly.
At one half of selected
de/i:osting time, the oven
signals TUI).N. At this time,
turn/ood over and break
apart or rearrallge t)ie( es
/or more even de/i:osting.
Shield any waml areas with
small pieces of toil.
A dull {hmnping noise ma}
be heard dining defl:os{ing.
This somJ, d is _J,ornlal when
tile o\en is not ot)erating at
I/igh power:
Defrosting Tips
• Foods/i'ozen in t)at)er or
plastic (an t)e delix)sted in
the package. Tightly closed
t)ackages shouM be slit,
t)ierced or vetoed AVI]_;R
t_)od has partially
(/eli'osted. Plastic storage
contaJnel?s shouM be at
least partially uncovered.
• Family-size, 1)_X'l)ackaged
{]'()zen dinllel'.s (_tl/be
delix)smd and microwa_'d.
lithe tood is in a/oil
container, tl;al/sl(T it
to a microwa_,-sat;v dish.
• Foods that spoil easil}, such
as milk, eggs, fish, stuffings,
t)ouhr} and pork, shouM
not be allowed to sit out
tor more than (me hour
after de/i'osting. Room
temt)erat ure t)lx)motes
the growth of harm{ul
• Igor more (,_,_J, (leffos{i_J,g
of larger toods, such as
beeL lamb and _'al roasts,
use Auto Deli'os{.
• Be sure large meats are
COml)letely (teffosmd
be/6_x' cooking.
• When deli'osted, ff)od
should be (ool but
soliened in all areas. If still
slightly icy. return to the
microwa_a' _('_'_rbfiefl}, or
let it stand a/(w_' mimnes.