18 My Very First Games
Next, it’s Linus’s turn, and he goes to the treatment room accompanied
by his dad. Actually, he doesn’t look ill. And to keep it that way, he is
being vaccinated today. A vaccine is a medicine to protect against diseases.
The doctor first listens to Linus’s chest with the stethoscope to make sure
he is in good enough health to be vaccinated today. That’s because if you
are ill on the day, the vaccination has to be postponed. The doctor now
prepares the syringe with the vaccine. No need to worry – you’ll just feel
a little poke.
Linus closes his eyes and thinks of his dog Bello. Phew, it’s already over.
That was not so bad. Almost like a mosquito bite. Linus was very brave!
To finish off, Linus gets bandage on his upper arm.
Where is the box with the bandages?
Job is done, and he can now go home.
Greta has come to the practice as an emergency patient after falling off
her scooter. Her arm hurts and her knee is bleeding. She has been crying a
bit, so the doctor looks for some liquid pain reliever.
Where can it be?
Greta grimaces because it doesn’t taste at all nice. But because it is making
her feel better, she swallows it bravely.
After that, Greta needs ointment to treat the bruise on her arm.
can you find the
tube with the ointment?
After the ointment has been applied to Greta’s arm, the doctor cleans up
the wound on Greta’s knee and sticks a large bandage on it.
Will you
help her?
The doctor has finished now, so Greta can go home with her mom and rest. She should
certainly feel some improvement soon and be well enough to ride her scooter again.
The last patient for today is Anton. His whole body is covered with spots
which are itching very badly. The doctor takes a close look at them. Then
she checks to see if Anton also has a fever. For this, she uses the clinical
Anton’s temperature is indeed quite high – a sure sign that he has chicken-
pox! To alleviate the itching, Anton is given some ointment. The doctor
takes a big drop from the tube and smears Anton’s back with it. Ooh, that
feels better!
Anton takes the ointment home with him, so that mom and dad can apply it
again in the evening. Hopefully, the chickenpox will then gradually clear up.
This was a busy day at Dr. Liebherz’s office. She rewards herself with a
gummy bear
from the supply which she keeps for her young patients
after they have been treated.
Dear Children and Parents,
at www.haba.de/Ersatzteile it‘s easy to ask whether a missing part
of a toy or game can still be delivered.