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Form #: 7.20.525 Rev: 9
The NOVA 3® is an advanced heavy industry respirator designed for abrasive blasting and
other industrial applications. Additionally, the L4™ light attachment is available to provide
light to the work area and the NOVA TALK ™ in-helmet communication system allows for
hands free radio communication. The NOVA 3® can increase productivity with the advanced
tear-off lens system and other innovative features. The NOVA 3® is a Compressed Airline
Breathing Apparatus tested to EN 14594 (AS/NZS 1716) - When used with RPB® Breathing
Air Line and Flow Control Device. This provides respiratory protection during Abrasive
Blasting. Powered Air Purifying Respirator tested to EN 12941 (AS/NZS 1716) - When used
with the RPB® PX4 AIR® PAPR unit.