Dear Customer,
We desgn and produce our products for
people to love and have fun wth them as
we do.
The product you bought was subjected to
all sorts of tests and control before sendng
out to you.
Although all the products are produced
and packed carefully,sometmes happen
that some component s damaged durng
the transportaton. In such a case please
check the mssng or damaged part and do
not hestate to contact us.
Before start assemblng, please clean all the
components wth a damp cloth.
Also for usual cleanng, ths wll be enough.
Before start assemblng, please check the
whole components and accessores
accordng to the lsts. If you bought more
than one product, to prevent confuson be
sure that you completed the first product.
Then start the other product's assemblng.
Do not use your furnture for out of purposes.
If you would lke to use t, please contact us
for further questons.
Do not drectly contact your furnture wth
excessve heat, cold and humdty because
the product can be affected..