use .......................................................
(up to the end of the DU)
emergency key ..........................................
(up to the end of the DU)
children (safety) .........................................
(current page)
child safety.................................................
(current page)
locking the doors .......................................
(up to the end of the DU)
Cartes RENAULT : généralités (XFA - Renault)
The RENAULT card: general information and use
The Carte main libre is used
– locking/unlocking the doors and tail-
gate (doors, tailgate) and the fuel
filler flap (see the following pages);
– switching on the vehicle lighting re-
motely (refer to the following pages);
– automatically closing the electric
windows remotely (see the informa-
tion on “Electric windows” in
Section 3);
– starting the engine (see the infor-
mation on “Starting, stopping the
engine” in Section 2).
Battery life
Make sure that the correct battery type
is being used, and that the battery is in
good condition and inserted correctly.
Its service life is approximately two
years: replace it when the message
“Keycard battery low” appears on the
instrument panel (see “Carte main libre:
battery" in Section 5).
Operating range of the Carte
main libre
It varies depending on the environ-
ment: take care not to accidentally lock
or unlock the vehicle by inadvertently
pressing the buttons on the Carte main
Note: if a door or the tailgate is open or
not closed properly, the doors and tail-
gate lock then unlock quickly.
Interference by factors in the immediate
vicinity (external installations or the use
of equipment operating on the same
frequency as the Carte main libre) may
disrupt its operation.
When the battery is flat, you can
still lock/unlock and start your vehi-
cle. Please see the information on
“Locking and unlocking the doors”
in Chapter 1 and “Starting, stopping
the engine” in Chapter 2.
1 Unlocking the doors and tailgate.
2 Locking all doors and tailgate.
3 Unlocking/locking the boot.
4 Switching on the lighting remotely.
CARTE MAIN LIBRE: general information (1/2)