JPL Telecom Ltd, Units 1 & 2, Church Close Business Park, Todber, Sturminster Newton, Dorset DT10 1JH • Tel: +44 (0)1258 820100 •
JPL Gateway
5. Compatibility and remote call control
JPL Gateway provides compatibility between JPL Telecom USB devices and an extensive range of sophones.
It enables you to have remote call control (answer/end call, mute, etc.) from your JPL audio device over your
The remote call control features available for each sophone can be seen in the below Sophone list.
Features-Windows and mac OS
What is Gateway JPL Gateway is an application with a simple user interface, that enables you to easily view the
status of your JPL device(s) and sophone(s). The device page gives you a device and sophone
connectivity status which increases your condence and ready status for every call.
JPL Gateway enables you to personalize your JPL device; rmware updates your device for the
best possible performance; and to have Remote Call Control over your sophone(s).
Remote Call Control JPL Gateway enables you to have Remote Call Control (answer/end call, mute, etc.) from your
JPL audio device.
JPL Gateway will automatically detect and enable Remote Call Control for the sophones
installed on your computer.
Device Menu JPL Gateway device menu is a visible status menu.
The menu tab shows the status of your headset, if any updates are available, and if your
sophone(s) are ready for use.
By clicking one of the installed sophones, you will be linked into the Gateway application for
managing setting preferences, start rmware updates or access applications that might be
available for your JPL device
Firmware Update The JPL Gateway Firmware Updater enables you to update the rmware of your JPL devices.
Firmware is a type of soware that runs inside many types of electronic devices, managing their
various internal processes.
JPL releases updates that improve performance and adds new functionalities to your headset.
Where to Download