This Cable Stripper removes the cable sheathing simply and easily from your cables, allowing you to fit
connectors. The Cable Stripper can be used for any type of cable, including telephone cables, speaker ca-
bles, electrical wiring and UTP network cables. The Cable Stripper can be adjusted exactly for any cable
width, so that you can always be sure that the cable sheathing is stripped off correctly.
110(H) x 55 mm(W).
4,5 Kg.
350 (W) x 340 (D) x 270 mm (H)
Network cable Stripper.
Strip off the cable sheating of any type of cable
Network Cable Stripper
150 gr.
150 (W) x 225 (H) x 4,5mm (D)
1,13 kg.
170 (W) x 160 (D) x 245mm (H)
Data sheet: LN-223
P. 1.1.