The second major component of the System is the DH10Bac™ E. coli strain that is used
as the host for your pFastBac™ construct containing your gene of interest. DH10Bac™
cells contain a bacmid with a mini-aTn7 target site and a helper plasmid.
Once the pFastBac™ expression plasmid (the "donor plasmid") is transformed into
DH10Bac™ cells, transposition occurs between the mini-Tn7 element on the pFastBac™
vector and the mini-aTn7 target site on the bacmid to generate a recombinant
bacmid. This transposition reaction occurs in the presence of transposition proteins
supplied by the helper plasmid.
Once you have performed the transposition reaction, you will isolate the high
molecular weight recombinant bacmid DNA and transfect the bacmid DNA into
insect cells using the ExpiFectamine™ Sf Transfection Reagent to generate a
recombinant baculovirus that can be used for preliminary expression experiments.
After the baculovirus stock is amplied and titered, the high-titer stock can be used to
infect insect cells for large-scale expression of the recombinant protein of interest.
The baculovirus shule vector (bacmid), bMON14272 (136 kb), present in DH10Bac™
E. coli contains:
• A low-copy number mini-F replicon.
• Kanamycin resistance marker.
• A segment of DNA encoding the lacZ alpha peptide gene from a pUC-based
cloning vector into which the aachment site for the bacterial transposon, Tn7
(mini-aTn7) has been inserted. Insertion of the mini-aTn7 aachment site does
not disrupt the reading frame of the lacZ alpha peptide gene.
The bacmid propagates in DH10Bac™ E. coli as a large plasmid that confers resistance
to kanamycin and can complement a lacZ gene deletion present on the chromosome to
form colonies that are blue (lac+) in the presence of a chromogenic substrate such as
Bluo-gal or X-gal and the inducer, IPTG.
Recombinant bacmids are generated by transposing a mini-Tn7 element from a
pFastBac™ donor plasmid to the mini-aTn7 aachment site on the bacmid. The Tn7
transposition functions are provided by a helper plasmid.
ExpiFectamine™ Sf Transfection Reagent is a next-generation proprietary cationic lipid
formulation that oers high transfection eciency and protein expression levels in
adherent or suspension Sf9 and Sf21 cell cultures. This versatile reagent exhibit low
toxicity and enables transfection of insect cells using fast and simple optimized
protocols to streamline the workow.
DH10Bac™ E. coli also contain the helper plasmid, pMON7124 (13.2 kb), which
encodes the transposase and confers resistance to tetracycline. The helper plasmid
provides the Tn7 transposition function in trans.
ExpiFectamine™ Sf Transfection Reagent is a next-generation proprietary cationic lipid
transfection reagent for ecienct transfection of plasmid DNA and baculovirus
production in insect cells. ExpiFectamine™ Sf is a component of the ExpiSf™
Expression System (Cat. No. A38841, A39112, or A39111). To learn more about this
reagent and the ExpiSf™ Expression System for superior protein yields, see
E. coli
shuttle vector
ExpiFectamine™ Sf
Helper plasmid
ExpiFectamine™ Sf
Product information
The Bac-to-Bac
Expression System and Bac-to-Bac
Secreted Expression System
Expression System User Guide