20 1.2
Conguraon and engineering ibaPDA ibaPDA-OPC-UA-Server+ Addcercate
1. In the cercate store toolbar, click the buon .
A dialog will open that lets you navigate to the desired cercate le and open it.
Dierent le formats are supported (.der, .cer, .crt, .cert, .pem, .pfx, .p12).
If you have a cercate with an unknown le extension, expand the le lter to "*.*" and try
to open the le anyway. This works in most cases.
2. When the cercate is loaded, it appears in the cercate store list.
3. If you have not already done so, trust the cercate.
Cercates can somemes be added without manual import.
Thus, during the rst connecon aempt by an OPC UA client to the OPC UA server (ibaPDA),
the applicaon cercate of the OPC UA client is automacally added to the cercate list and
inially rejected.
Once you have selected the OPC UA client cercate in the list and conrmed it as trusted with
the buon, the OPC UA client can subsequently connect automacally.
You can use the buon to reject a cercate at any me or to classify it as not trusted. Exportcercates
Cercates created with ibaPDA as well as other cercates in the cercate store can be ex-
ported individually as a le and subsequently used for Windows or other applicaons. An ex-
ported cercate can also be re-imported into ibaPDA.
To export a cercate, rst select the desired cercate in the table and then click the buon
in the toolbar for the cercate store.
If you wish to export a cercate without a private key, a dialog that lets you save the le opens
If the cercate to be exported has a private key, there are some opons.
First, you will be asked if the exisng private key should be exported as well. If you answer "no",
the cercate will be saved immediately, just like a cercate without a key.
If you answer "yes", then you must enter the correct password aerwards. The correct pass-
word is the password used when imporng or generang the cercate. If the password is cor-
rect, the cercate can be saved as a .pfx le. This le is password protected and contains the
cercate and the private key.
If the password is incorrect, the cercate will not be exported.
Under certain circumstances, a cercate with a private key may be stored in ibaPDA, however
the key is not password protected. In this case, the cercate can only be exported without a
private key. You will then be noed accordingly.