Thank you for downloading this Muratec M, MX or CX-series operator’s
manual. Due to a constantly expanding product line, Muratec is no longer
able to field service calls on these products. If your machine should need
service please contact Cybertest at 1-800-347-3295. Cybertest’s team of
professional service technicians will field your calls and have your machine
up and running quickly.
If you need to order consumables for your Muratec machine please call
1-800-292-2492, or you can shop 24 hours a day at www
Looking to upgrade your current machine?
Why not give your local Muratec dealer a call. Your authorized Muratec
dealer can help you select equipment that will maximize production in your
office. To locate a Muratec dealer near you please call 1-800-543-4636.