1. Overview1. Overview
1. Elegant appearance and easy to use
2. Multi-code player - Supporting MP1,MP2,MP3 and WMA files
3. Drive free disk - Manage the files directly through “Portable Device” in
“My computer” on Windows 2000 Operating System or above without
driver installation
4. Voice Play
Vol down button
Backward button
Play/Pause/Hold button
Forward button
LED light 2
USB port
Shuffle/Normal Switch
On/Off switch
Earphone jack
LED light 1
2. Features
3. General Function
1. On / Off
Switch the On/Off Switch to ON position to turn on the device
Switch the On/Off Switch to OFF position to turn off the device
2. Shuffle Mode / Normal Mode
Swicth the Shuffle/Normal Switch to position to activate the
shuffle mode. The music files will be played randomly
Swicth the Shuffle/Normal Switch to position to activate the
normal mode. The music files will be played in order
3. Play/Pause the music files
Connect the earphone to the device
Switch on the player, the music files will be played automatically
Press PLAY/PAUSE/HOLD button to pause/resume
4. Select the previous or next files
Press Backward button to select the previous file
Press Forward button to select the next file
5. Fast Backward/Fast Forward
Long Press Backward button for the Fast Backward function
Long Press Forward button for the Fast Forward function
6. Volume Setting
Long Press Vol button to enter the volume mode
Press Backward button to decrease the volume
Press Forward button to increase the volume
7. Hold
Long Press PLAY/PAUSE/HOLD button to lock the device
Long Press PLAY/PAUSE/HOLD button again to unlock the device
8. Charging
Connect the device to the adaptor by USB cable.
Connect the adaptor to the power source
4. File Transfer
When you have connected the device to one of your computer’s USB ports,
the dialogue window of the MP3 player appears on your screen.
1. Copying the desired MP3 and WMA files into the dialogue window,
copies the files to the memory of the device
2. Always “remove safely” command of your operating system in order to
safely remove the device before disconnecting it from the USB port.
5. LED light Indication
S tatus of L E D light 1 S tatus of L E D light 2
Device is turned off O ff O ff
S tandby mode O ff O n
P laying the mus ic file B linking S lowly O n
Device is loc k ed O n O n
Volume mode B linking F r equently O n
C ha r ging B linking S lowly O n
F ully C har ged O ff
6. Trouble Shooting
C hec k if the ba ttery is low
C hec k if the devic e is turned on
C hec k if the volume is s et to minimum
C hec k if the the earphone is c onnec ted properly
E ns ure the earphome is c lean and in good s tatus
Dama ged mus ic files may make nois e or c ould
not be played
E ns ure the U S B c able is not damaged and
c onnected properly
E ns ure the the free memory s pare is enough
F ailure of mus ic download
No power
No s ound fr om earphone
C apac ity
Dis play
Interfac e
Max P layba c k time
B atter y Type
F ile T ype S upported
S /N R atio
P ower O utput
O per ating S ys tem
Dimens ion
Windows 2000/XP or above
47mm x 33mm x 13.5mm
L i-P olymer R ec hargeable 3. 7V 110mAh
MP1, MP2, MP3, W MA
(L )5mW + (R )5mW (32Ohm)
US B 2. 0 F ull S peed
8 hour s
7. Technical Specification
Vol up button
O n
User Manual
To prevent possible hearing damage,do not listen
at high volume levels for
long periods.
We trust you are completely satisfied with this product from Argos Ltd,
however please feel free to contact us if you experience any difficulties, or if
you would like to express your views regarding our products.
Please write to:
Customer Services
Argos Ltd
489-499 Avebury Boulevard
Saxon Gate West
Central Milton Keynes
Telephone: 0870 600 3030
Through the process of continuous improvement, Argos Ltd. reserves the right
to change of alert specifications without prior notice. E&OE
8. Contact Details
In music mode,when the volume is adjusted to 85DB , the user will hear “Beep”.
Press “+” to turn up volume or press “-” to turn down the volume.