Welcome to Corel Snapfire 3
Uninstalling Corel Snapfire
You can use the Windows Control Panel to uninstall Corel Snapfire.
To uninstall Corel Snapfire
1 On the Windows taskbar, click Start
Control Panel.
If your operating system is Windows 2000, click Start
Control Panel.
2 Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.
3 In the Add or Remove Programs dialog box, choose Corel Snapfire
from the list, and click Remove.
4 Follow the InstallShield® wizard instructions.
Corel Support Services
Corel’s warranty support is designed to help customers with technical
issues related to installation and product defects, including crashes and
errors caused by Corel software. Corel Support Services can provide
you with prompt and accurate information about product features,
specifications, pricing, availability, services, and technical support. For
the most current information on available support and professional
services for your Corel product, please visit www.corel.com/support.
Personal Telephone Support
Many customers choose to speak directly to a Corel support technician
over the telephone. Live person-to-person support on a toll-free line is
available as a paid service and is designed for individual, small business,
academic, trial version, and OEM users.
A support incident is the resolution of one technical question, problem,
or issue, regardless of the number of telephone calls required to resolve
it. Support includes assistance with understanding how features work
and how they are applied to a sample document; troubleshooting
technical issues and documents; installation, configuration, and setup
on standalone computers; and migration from one software version to