Cutlery withwooden,horn china or
mother -of-pearl han dle s
Plast ic ite ms that are n oth eat resist ant
Older cut lery with glued parts t hata ren ot
Bonded c utlery ite msor dishes
Pewter or cooper i tems
Crystal gla ss
Steel items subj ec tt or usting
Wooden platte rs
Items made fromsynthetic fibres
So me ty pes of glas sesc anb ecome
dull afte ra la rge number of w as hes
Silv er an da l umi num part s ha ve a
tendencytodiscolourduring washing
Glazedpatternsmayfade if machine
washed freq ue ntly
Are not suitable
Are oflimited suitability
Dishesanditemsofcutlerymustnotlie insideoneanother, orcover each other.
To av oidd amage to gl asse s, theymus t not touc h.
Lo ad large ite ms w hic h ar e most difficult to c lea n into the l ower basket.
The uppe r basket is de sig ned to ho ldm ored eli cate and lighter d ishw are such as glasses , coffee
Lo ng bladed kni ves stored in a n upr igh tpo sition are a p otent ial haza rd!
Lo ng and/or s harp itemso f cut lery such as carv ing kniv es must be p ositi oned
h orizon ta lly in t he upp erb asket .
P lease do n ot ove rload yo ur dishw asher. T his is importan t forg ood resu ltsand fo r
r easonab leconsu mption of en ergy.
Load holl owit ems suc has cup s, gl asses, p ans etc. With t he openi ng fac ing downward ss o that
w a t er canno t c o ll ect i n t he conta i n e r or a de epbase.
Considerbuyingutensilswhichare identifiedasdishwasher-proof.
Usea mild detergentthatisdescribedas'kindtodishes'.Ifnecessary,seekfurther
Forparticular items,select aprogramwithaslowa temperatureaspossible.
To prev ent da ma ge, do no t t ake gla ssandc utler y out of the dis hwas her i mmed iatel y
aft er t hepr ogram mehas e nde d.
(For best per formance of the di shwasher, f ollow the se loading gu ide lines.
Featu res and ap pearance of baske ts and cut ler yba sket smay vary from your mod el.)
Scrape off any larg eamount so fleftover fo od. S often rem nants o fbur ntf ood in pans.
It is no tnecess ar y tori nse t he d ishes under running water.
Pl ace obje ct s in the dis hwasher in foll owing way :
1.I tem ssu ch as cups, gla sses, pots /pans, e tc.a re fa ced dow nwa rds.
2.Cu rv edit ems, or ones wit hreces ses,should be loade da slant so th at w ater can run off.
3.Al lutensils a re stacked secu rely and can not ti pov er.
4.Al lutensils a repl aced in t he way t hat t he spray arm scan r otate freely during wa shin g.
Ve rysmall it em ss houldnot be washe di n the dishwas he r as they could ea silyf all out of the basket .
To pre ven t water drip ping fr om t he uppe rba sketi ntothe lo wer ba sk et, we rec omme nd th atyou
empty the lower ba sket f irst and the nthe upp er bask et.