Email (string) - Mandatory
FirstName (string) - Mandatory
LastName (string) - Mandatory
Sex (character: ‘m’ or ‘f’) - Obsolete
Occupation (string) - Obsolete
Zipcode (string) - Mandatory
TelephoneNr (string) - Mandatory
DefaultEmailLanguage (LanguageType) - Mandatory
AccountInfoID (int) - must be set to 0 when editing - Read-only
UserInfoID (int) - must be set to 0 when editing - Read-only
Status (int) – must be set to 1 - Mandatory
Active (boolean) - Read-only
ChangedBy (string) - Read-only
AccountTypeName (string) - Read-only
AccountType (int) - Mandatory
OwnerID (int) - Mandatory
TrialUser (boolean) - Mandatory
FreeAccount (boolean) - Mandatory
MaxSize (int) - Read-only
UsedSize (long) - must be set to 0 when editing - Read-only
UserProfile (UserProfileType) - Mandatory
StartDate (DateTime) - Mandatory
EndDate (DateTime) - Mandatory
MaxBandwidthUsage (int) - 0 is recommended value - Mandatory
Period (int) – Mandatory in case of provisioning a trial account - Optional
RestoreActive (boolean) – recommended to set to false - Mandatory
HasDigiNotarKey (int) – must be set to 0 when editing - Read-only
DigiNotarKeyIsStored (boolean) - Obsolete
ObjDigiNotarKey (object) - Obsolete