4.1 Structure of Part Program ............................................ 56
4.2 Division of EDIT Screen during Editing.................................. 57
4.3 Basic Editing Functions: Typing, Cursor Moving, Delete, Insert, Select .......... 59
4.4 Editor Action Menu................................................. 62
4.5 File Actions: Save, Save as ........................................... 62
4.6 Edit Actions: Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Find and Replace ..................... 62
4.7 Insert Actions ..................................................... 64
4.8 Actions of Window ................................................ 64
4.9 Help ............................................................ 65
5 Switching Over Operation Modes ........................................ 66
6 Manual Operation Modes .............................................. 67
6.1 Manual Reference Point Return Mode ................................... 67
6.2 Jog Mode ........................................................ 69
6.3 Incremental Jog Mode ............................................... 71
6.4 Manual Handle Mode ............................................... 73
7 Actions Executed in Manual Operation Modes ............................. 75
7.1 Single Block Operation .............................................. 75
7.2 Work Zero Point Offset and Tool Length Offset Measurement . . .............. 75
7.2.1 Work Zero Point Offset Measurement ............................... 76
7.2.2 Tool Length Offset Measurement inside the Machine .................... 79
7.2.3 Automatic Tool Length Offset Measurement .......................... 81
7.2.4 Calibrating Tool Offset Sensor ..................................... 82
8 Modes of Automatic Operation .......................................... 85
8.1 Automatic Mode ................................................... 85
8.1.1 Program Execution in DNC ....................................... 85
8.2 Edit Mode ........................................................ 87
8.3 Manual Data Input Mode............................................. 88
9 Override Switches ..................................................... 90
9.1 Feedrate Override Switch ............................................ 90
9.2 Rapid Traverse Override Switch ....................................... 91
9.3 Spindle Speed Override Switch ........................................ 91
10 Program Execution Start and Stop ...................................... 93
10.1 Starting Program Execution.......................................... 93
10.2 Feed Stop ....................................................... 93
10.3 RESET ......................................................... 93
10.4 Programmed Stop: M00 ............................................ 94
10.5 Conditional Stop: M01 ............................................. 94
10.6 End of Program: M02, M30.......................................... 95
11 Intervention in the Course of Program Execution .......................... 96
11.1 Conditional Block Skip ............................................. 96
11.2 Increasing Feedrate by Means of Rapid Traverse Jog Button . ................ 96
11.3 Intervention by Means of Manual Handle in Automatic Operation ............. 97
12 Debugging the Part Program ........................................... 99