Power cord may i_ude a current
inte_pter devi_ A test _d met _tton is
pr_i_ on 'the plug case. Re dev_e
sh@JId be tested ,ona i_rl_ic _Is by first
pressi_ me TEST button and men _e
RESF button, if B_eTEST b,_on d_es not
tdp er if t_ RESF bu_ wlfl, not s_y
engage, di_-ontinue u_ of _e air
cend_i_er a_ _nta,_ a qu_if_ _rv_ce
UI_ Wall R_eptac_ Power Supply
t_cle tared 1_,, 125V AC
_le rate_ i 5A, 2_V AC
S_ 2_,V, 3-_re groundling
_¢_e rate_ 2CA, 2_V AC
U_ 15 AMP', time
delay fu_ ,o_15 A_P,
drou_: breaker,
Use _0 _P. time
_lay fu_ o__ AMP.
cir_i_t b_a_r,.
Use of e nsion cords
Stro_'y discoum_, _e use of an _e_
cord. _e,_o i_you _sh to use
e_sion co_, use a CSA cer'dfied_L-I_ted
3-_re (glroundi_g) e_t_sion _rd, _ed 1_,
AHwi_ng shouldibe m_e _ a_co_,_
I_t el_ri_ _es a_ _egu_tions.
Aluminum I_use winng _y p_ specia_
prowls. Co.It a qualified e_dcia_.,
Air _er_r has a three.prong g_unding pl,ug ee
_r supp_ _rd, which m_st be pluggi_ into
p_perly gr_ _mpr®g _ll re.prate _r
your protectio_ag_n_ possi_e sh_ hazard,
2_, _, and _ _LT U,N_
The_ _s are _ip_ with a three-prong
gmu_ng pl_ on the po'_ su_ly co_d, _h
m_t be _ug_d in¢oa mat_ing properly _o_nd_
th!remp_g wat! receptacle for your p!rot_ion
a_lns! [_ss_ble _: ha_d. If such,an o_et
_ot _e_nt, _e m_st be i_led _ a q_allfl_
ele_ian in a_nce _th the Na_! Ele_ica_
Co_ and Io_ c_s a_d o_dinanees,
208, a_ _3_2_ V_t units.
_ner'e Manual 9