Sharp LC-15AV1U Owner's manual

Owner's manual
181 Channel Selection-All VHF/UHF chmnels plus up m 125 cfl)le ch mnels
PLL Frequency SynthesizedTuning-Thelatest PLLflequency _yn_heslzed eleclronicmniagsysten]pro
A a,
_ides flee md eB) dl mnel selection md lets _ou rune (firecll_ 1o my ch mnel tmhlg the numbe_ bumm (O9 Ihe imporhml not° is Iocat od on tilt, I'(_il] ol tho cabinot.
and +i0(_key) on dle remo_e connoL
•• On-ScreenRemoteControIFuncti°n Display I WARNING:
Closed Caption Decoder-You m_y _iex_ speehl b h/bek,d (cc) TV plogHms, mobil's, new, plereco_d/,d i THIS APPLIANCE TO RAIN OR MOISTURE.
t__es,ere _ i_hei_[F'_ _di flogue caplion oi [ex_ d_spla_ _dded to the pmg_an_
Auto Shut O Funct on- If _he_e is no slgnfl _nl)U_flora tho m_enn _ _ennh_al md no usel ope_ath)n fo_ 15 I C4UTION TO PREVENT E[ [CTRIC SHOCK' MAT(_H Wll)E BI kD[ Ot PLU¢_TO Wll)E SlOT' FU1J_" INSERT
m brutes, die TV win _mn _self ofl aurora fli flly
V-CHiP- Enable_ p _en_s to p_exen_tileh ehlkhen f_om watching hl q_plopH _tem _teli/_ on TV
S-VIDEO Input- fllo_ s }ou to gel b,,uel plclm e dehll md chH b fol file playhck of S VHS VCR Hpe, Video
Discs S _tel[i[e S_s[em \'kkx) Gin)e ol VKleo C mlel B
Component Input
Piece your TV ia _ ,(xm] x_kh _deqtH_exenSiatlon
Keep _oul 1v sel _ flora sounes of direct he_t, ueh _ hcl_ _eg_st+,s ol di_ec_ stmllgN
Do ae_ price _oul TV on off _rf_ce, uch a rags ol bhnke_
Le_xe enough r,x)m fol al, m cucuhw i,ouad _he bottom, mp md hick of _l_ee_
This manual dcs_H bes d_e L(- 13AV ]U, LC- 15AV ] U, md LC-20AV l U These three I Tho LCD pmp_ uod fil thls pmducl _smado (if gHs Ther+fo_e, it _m bleak _lhen tho pr(×kIH is dlopped ol
models _l-c difl el'cnl in size mcl sh q)c, bul opel _tc idenlic d The LC-ZOAV 1U is I g)plk,d _id] finp ic_ Be c nefu] not to be h_jmed by bloken gHss piece _l]c_e file LCD pmel breaki]klSll ak'd in [hi s 01allLl II The LCD pmel is a _ely high technok}gy pl_xlu c_ with 921,6SB thin flim h msi _ol, gi_ big )ou fine plctme deHiis
O¢c_ ion flb, _ fex_ non _d_e pixels m_y appea_ on die sc, een _s a fi×ed pok, l of Nue, g_een o_ _ed
Ple_e note [i]fl thi_ does ao_/fiect _l_epelf olin mop of you_ pl(xhlc[
E To p, exent {i,e, n+xel place my type of candle or flm]es on _l_etop o_ acar _l_eTV s+
Plx_luct s thal ha_e ealned the ENERGY STAR _ _1e designed to plotecl the en_ h enmenl To p_exem fi_e ol sh,,ck h_znd do no_ expose _hls p_(xlucl _o d, ipphlg o_ _pi i Ilhlg No objec_ filled _ _[, liquid,
fl_rougB superior energ) efficienc) uch _s _aes, _houM be pho,d on the p,<×lucl
The seti _ auml)e_ of this p_(xAml m U be found _,_ the b_ck of the TV No othels h_e _lle sm_e _er[ _ numbe_
yours Y,,u should reco, d die numbe_ md o_her xit_l infolm _don Ilele md ,cHin _[,_ h<x)k a _ pelm meat _ocold of
yotu pu, ch _ e _o rid Memlflc _thm in c_se of _hefl
]M POR'D.NT: IMode[ No:
Tt_ aid topoi t big ill tie of loss oi theft, pk,ae locold _heTV's m(x_ei al)(_ _Pl{ {_
Ilul]_l_'l ill _llt' spicy pm_kled The aumlx'_s _re k)c _ed fl file _ell of file 'IV Seth[ No
Warranties are hwated on the back of th_ Spanish Operation Mmnml.
pl hi {,,(_hi Chh]t
1 0i 70UA/L0271UB/L0371U B, ,
I MEN[ button Ihess Iodi play Ib_ menu
on _be TV creen
2 VOL (ume) +1- butlons Pless k_ control
file volmne level
P_ess to deem mine [he sel(ing mode flora
Hie m_'nu on Ihe TV scR_'n (only the V()[.
+ button)
P_ess to selec_ ok adius{ J:lom a pmficMav
m_'nu (fol e×ample: Language Selection.
( hanneI Pl_'setling, Clos_'d Caption
Seleclion, Phtme A¢!iusm_ent ok VCHIP
Set [p)
3 CI] (annd} •/• [nlttmls Pl_ss to selec(
m_ modzed cham_el
P_css Io sele_ the se_ting mode flora Ille
m_nu on Ihe TV scl_ en
P.'s to selec_ ilem you want Io adiust in
tlw pictme conho] mode"
4 1NPIT bu|ton- Pless Io sdecl TV ok
vkleo inpul (AVI ok AV2) mode
5 POWER butlon Pless to luln the TV ()N
or OFF (sI:mdby)
6 Power indicatm" IJgbts up w hen power is
5 ..... 4
7" i_CDC_ )
9 ..... 10
7 Number bu|tons- PRESS two dighs Io
directly access the desired channel¸
Remember to press a "0" I)efi_re a single
digit channel¸
100 button Press Io selec( cable channels
higher than 99
8 FLAStIBACK button Press Io go back to
the previously viewed channel¸ I:_}r exam
pie, pressing this bul(on once will change
channel display flora CII 3 (present chan-
ned [{_CII 10 (previously viewed charmed
and pressing il a second time will remm
flora CI l I 0 to CH 3
9 MUTE bll|t()l_ Press to mule the sound
I)(_=(i(}l_ ol: d_e TV program (_lume level
display turns LIGIIT RED flora LIGIIT
BI.UE) P_ss this button again or press
the VOI. + or- bul((,n [{} resu_le sound¸
l0 DISPIJkY but[m_ Press [{_ display II_e
channel number or inpul source on tl_e
scr,*_ n II¸you p_ss it again, the display
will disappear¸
I I COMIN)NENT IY/PdP_) video inpul
jacks AV2: Connect Io the component
video ()Lit jacks of a I)VI) or sel u_p box
l[ HI)TV (480p/720p/1080i) signals me
input u_ II_ese iacks. "N(_'AVMLABI,E"
will appear on the black background¸
12 AUDIO L/R input jacks AV2: Connect
to the le fdrighl audio (_t_tl_ul iacks of a
I)VD player or set uq_ box
13 S-VIDEO inpl_t jack- AV I: Connect I(}
fl_e S-VIDEO ouq_ul iack of a video cam
era or VCR using the S VII)EO cable (not
No|e: The S VIDE(¸) iack is given priori(y
over II_e V II)Iil() iack
14 VIDEO inpu| jack-A_,/l: Connecl u_ the
vkleo ouq)ul iack of a video camera. VCR
ol ¸ vkleo game¸
15 AUDIO L/R inl)_| jacks AVI: Connect
to Ihe le ft/right audk_ output iacks o_ a
vkleo camera. VCR or video game¸
Note: The AUI)IO I, (inpu0 iack is fi_r
mono input The sound is heard flora both
speakers¸ Use II_is iack fi_r monaural audio
equipment u_ be booked up
16 ANTlenna), in jack Connect 1o an amen
ha. cable system or satellite system¸
17 tIEADPItONE jack- Connecl headphone
(nol supplied) fi_ personal listening
Note: I)o not connect earphones {hal have
an L shaped plug¸ The plug may in{cringe
_ hh tile cabhleL
the H_IOlC unh
2) Insert 2 "AA" penligh_ batleries into ba_tet)
compa]lmenl in the direclion as indi ated By
the polarity (+ / ) markings Bancries
installed wid_ intone I polmity may damage
the t'emo(c unit
3) l_cplac_ I[_'_ov_
l[lllll_ll_l [UII 11]I:_
UHF AIllelIII _ VHF An[elll3 _ VHF/UHF CATV Box'
(No1 supplit-d) (Not supplied) Coral)in _fion Antenn _ or Satellite Box
(N°l supplied)_" _/ _Ni_ 75 °bin(N°tsupplied_
_ I FI Olll Cg_le Sytem
o[ T IN or S_tellile Antenn_
75 ohm
D Coaxl d Cd_le Flom Ctblc S_%{ell?
Some cable TV systems use scrambled sign ds a]]d
req@e a special convelter to receive these chan
LC-20AVl U nels Consuh your local c_ble company
l[H l I_.1_1_1 _11 ',I [i _,"t N H H I_[,
_[_}p_set a channel or t(, change a prese{ channel I:olk,w tl_e procedure
1) Press the POWER button to mm on the T_
2) Press the MEN[] bul(on so that the menu display appears
on d_e TV screen¸
3) Press d_e CII or button I_ poinl to "CHANNEI, SET UP"
Then press Ihe VOI, + bu_ton CHANNELSF UP
4) Press the CH or NItton {o poin{ Io "ALFI_) PRI_SET CH" ADD_ELFECH(OAWl
Then press the VOI, + button¸ AUTOPRES_OH
The tuner scans and memorizes all ac(ive channels in your area¸
The TV _lis(il_gtlisl_es bel_ ,*_'n standa_l TV channels and cable (CATV)
When AUTO PRESET CH is compleled, the Iowesl memorized channel reappears on the
sc_en When II_e_e is no signal I(} ANI2 in jack. "N{) TV SIGNAI," will appears¸ In II_is case,
please check the antenna connec(ions, then try again d_e auto plese{ channel
After compleling AlVIn) PRESET CH. you can use CH or bullons I_}l¸the memorized
The TV may memorize TV channels as C£1"V channels il: the _ception c(_di(i(}l_s are poo_ II¸
this happens, Iry d_e AUTO PRESII_" CH action again _ hen recep6on c(mdilions a_ belier
1) Press d_e MENU bul(on so that d_e menu display appears on the TV
2) Press d_e CII or button Io point I(} "CHANNEI, SET UP"
Then, press Ihe VOL + button¸
3) Press fl_e V()I, + button so II_at "AI)I)/I)EI,ETE CH" is selec(ed
i J_._I_[H IJ!.TH _.q _ JJ_[OI i Ill=
]l: you want u_ change the language of the on screen menu.
follow the procedure below¸
1) (_(_l_l_ec{ the power cord to a s{andard AC outlet¸
Note: ]l: some digi(s appear hi the corner ol: tl_e screen.
press the P( )WER Nitton wifl_out unphFgging the power cord¸
2) Press II_e P()WI_R bu_ton I_ mm on the T_
3) Press II_e MENU buuon so that II_e menu display appears
on II_e _JN screen¸
4) Press II_e CII or button I(} point u_ "LANGUAGE"
5) Selec_ [ENGLISII/, [ESP-\NO[,J or [FRANCAIS[
by ushlg the V()L + or bulton
6) Press Ihe MENU butlon to exi( the nlenu
4) l)eleting a Channd:
Use IIle CII o_ button Io select the channel you wish to dele{i. CNaNNELS_UP
then press the V()I, + bul_on so tl_e channel number on the top right _ ADD_ELFECH(OAW_
corner ol: Ihe TV scl _*en rains inlo RH) AUTOPRES_ OH
Adding a Channeh
Use Ihe Nmnber buttons Ii_ hlput Ihe channel you wish I(} add. Ihen
press the VOI, + button so (he channel numl)er on the top right corner "..............................................................................
of the TV screen mJns into BI,UE
I [i _."l Nil I }l [I II_IU II [IlK
11 ll]_ i){}_ fails ol is disconneck d _hile II]_ TV is po_ekd on. die TV v_ill mm <m mlom _6cal
ly when the power resumes¸
PREPARATION FOR USE (Continued) Enom_z_.l_.e_,
This TV +an mcci_ C q_Ron and "I_x_
Ill i L'l[lll m [i[i... m ,[_ i im _.j m m. _.Ti_Irm IL"i'i_.'_i i ml_,
Y<_u can lis{en _ a program in MTS sleleo foIR_wh_g !he steps bel<_
Typeo _'electi°r_ MAIN MONO SAG' m'[_l shilw dle slalus, press {he
I)ISPLAY bu_{_m on !he remole
R_gu_ar -Non_- -None- -None-
SAP: Second Audio Program, 7
Stereo STEREO MONO STEREO which means your program, can
SAP MA_ MA_ SAP _u_ _" _ii_ll_!_i_ll_!s _ _'_ R1_a_R_n,
2) P_'_ _h_ (_I _ R_I_ _ p_i_I _ _TV N_LiND _,
(l_v _, N] [N, )N )[ _ INA)[ [ 4_: tNcssd_¢ VOI,+o_ bulu,n ]
! t
4) P_ess Ihe MINU I_ulllln Io ex[( Ihe nlenu
l_*Y:li [1111 ll_[H_.lli li,! U [{lift [_.10
l ) Press _he PONNER bulton _ mm on IRe T_
2) Nelec_ _he desired channel w[{h IRe CII (_ butl<m or the Number but_ms
?) Adiust the volume Io IRe desired listening level using d_e V()I, + or bull_n
4) Adiust p[c{uJe c<_nlmls d_l¸ a natural k_ok[ng image (Nee "PICTLIRI_ AI)JUSTMI_NT" }
When you use Ihe A[ I)IO/VII)I O inpul iacks, sdecl "AV F' or "AV2" mode by p_essing Ihe
INPLTI" bu_n
]i_ use Ihe iacks of AV IN I on _he T_ selec_ "AV ]"
]i_ use Ihe iacks of AV IN2 on _heT_ selec_ "AN'T'
When you use Ihe N VII)I_O c<_nnecl[on. N VII)EO iack is given pri<_r[{y over Ihe VII)EO jack¸
You ma_ xiev_ Slxciall" labeled (cc) TV ploglanls, m{_R s. n_v_s and p_ekcoKl_d lalx*s. {_lc u, Rh
el{her a d[_dogue capR</n </i¸ lex_ display added {l_ {he program¸
1) P_ess Ihe MEN[ bul(<m so Ihal d_ m_nu displa) appears on Ihe TV sc_ee n
2) Press d_e CII <_l¸ bLlll_ _o poin_ _<_"CAH'ION"
3) Ih_ss d_e \70[_ + ill¸ bu{l_n {/_ s_lec{ {he mode y</u wish
4) When dora, p_ess Ihe MEN[ bulton Io _xil Ihe m_nu [ _ : tNess Ih_ VOI, + or bull(m ]
! t
1 ) C[os_d ( aplion E!hamclvrs can be displa)_d on Ih_ TV sck_n only _ll_n die _ec_ixed bm_d
casl sign iI conlahls E!apRon Signals
2) Paint-on mode: Disphys hlpul chalaclers on Ihe sc_x n imm/dillel_
POll-on nit,lie: ()nc_ chalacl_ _s ale sI_led ill illt'mo_\. Ihe'v a_e digpla ed all _[ elite
RoN-u 1) mode: I)[spla)s Ihe chalacl_ is c/mNnmmsly by scl//lling (max 4 lines}
Note: I1 ]CAI_I'IONI [ o_ [CAH'ION2] is sdec(ed bul a CR/s_ d CapRon signd is nol inchlded.
chllack rs uill nol b_ disph_ed
1) Displays Ihe t_xl on Ihe s_'_ecn by scrolling (max 7 lines)
2) If Ihe _ce[ved broadcas{ signal does not con{a[n capRon <_l¸t,_'_t signals, no change will occm;
l) When your TV Jece[ves a special effec{s playback signal ([e. Search. Sinew and SHll) from a
VCR's video <_ulpu_ channel ((¸i[I3 <_l¸CH4), your TV may no_ display _he c<_r_cl capH<m or
2) CapIR/ns and _'_ts may not ma_ch die TV voice exaclly
_) ]n_erl_rence may cause the ck_sed capN</n syslem no{ Ii_ function properly¸
4) The capRon or _ext characlers will n(_ be displayed while Ihe menu display or funcd<_ns dis
play is sl_w_
5) If you see lhis scl_en:
l[ _ou_ TV displays _ black box on Ihe screen. Ihis m_ans Ih_( )ore TN' is set u_TEXT mode "lb
cl_a_ sc_ n. sel_cl [CAH'IONII, ICAIYI'IIlN2[ o_ IOl:_:;l
OPERATIONS (Continued)
Use Nleep Timer I<l l_i_gl aEll the TV _i shu{ <IN¸in a cei{ain amoun{ <if {[me
I ) Press the POWIIiR _iIton to mm on !he TM
2) Press the MENU buI_on so !hat _he menu display appears on !he TV screen¸
3) Press the C[I (_ bulton t_ po[nl _ "NI JIiEP"
Then press {he V()L + bu{l_n To cancel the s]ee I) Elmer:
4) Press IRe VOI, + i_i¸ unI[l d_e ciiilec{ amoun{ <i_¸{[me Press d_e V()I, + or lepea{edly
appea_s <_n _he TV sc teen unlil "NI ,EEP [0[ MIN[lrlI_" is
The lime increases by 30 m[nules You may sel _ sp aye_
a Skip Timer of 30. 60. <_i¸ 90 minu_es
Note: When you d[sconnecl {he un[{ fi_m !he AC ouIIel or when you have a po_er d_dlme.
lhe sleep lime will _ l<_s{ [ _ : Press _he VOI, + <_i¸ bu_{_n
! !
U [I III I| _!.1 I] 115."Jil'_ I ml?i
1) P_ess Ihe MINU I_ulton so (hat the menu
display appears on _he TV screen¸
2) Press _he CH or I_ulton Io poin_ "PIC
TURIn" Then press _he VOL + bul_on
?) Select _he _alme you wish _ adiust wRh
_he CII or bulton and adius_ il _ ith
die VOI, + </i¸ bu{ton
: tNess th_ CH o_ buu<m
_o decrease _o h_o_ease
BRIGHTNESS brightness brightness
CONTRAST _odecrease _oincrease
eo_/trasl ¢o_/t_asi
COLOR to pale to br[llian_
TINT to pmple to green
SHARPNESS _oson _oclear
! t
In Ihe abo_ seeps, Ihe piclm/_diuslnlinl displa) _ill dis_ppem honl Ihe TV screen aulomal[
call 5, alle_ appr_xhnale[ 5 5 s_conds if you do no_ p_ss an) btlltolls Press Ihe MENU md VO[,
+ bullon s//{hal I)I(TI'URI_" is s_ lec{ed Then plcss {h_ (211 or bul{/in _elxakdly unlil Ih_
displa} lelLirns I_ Ihe screen
I P/:III [| II IN I i I1_'t m ll _[I i [III
l ) Press _he MENU bu_on so Iha_ _he menu display appears on IRe TV screen¸
2) Press the CII <_l¸ _llton to point to "BACK LIGI]T"
3) Press the VOI, + or bu{ton _</selecl IRe m</de you wish¸
4) When done, press d_e MENLI bu_on _<_exh _he menu¸ I _ : Press _he VOI, + or hum,n ]
! t
IV/[i I I I Uk'IHilll
_CHIP enables parents Io preven_ theh ¸chikhen from walching inappropria_ material on T_
_CHIP reads !he mdngs fi_r pmgramm[n_ (_xcepl l_i ¸ news and sports programs, unediled movies
on premium cable channels, and Emergency Broadcasl System signals), !hen denies access _ pm
gramming i[ ¸dle progl_im's raring meels or exceeds d_e limha{[ons you selec_ ]n d_[s case, "PRO
_I_EECED PROGRAM by " message appears on !he TV screen¸
_[b bl_ck certain raI[ngs, fi_ll(_w !he s_eps below¸
Programming may be ruled by !he M_ti_i_ Piclu_ Ass<_ciaI[on od_Amelica (MI_Ai or accord
ing _ !he _l_lev[si_m Parental Guidelines¸ In order to block any inappropriate programming, set
your lhnNs in _th places (MPAA RATING and l_ RATING)¸
Y_u ca_J_I access {he menu when !he "PR()I_CTEI) PROGRAM by " message appears¸ In
!his case. change _<_an unblocked channel !hen press _he MENU bulton
I ) Press _he MENU bu_{(m so d_at _he menu display appears on !he TV screen¸
2) Press the CI] <_i¸ _iIton _(_ poin_ _<_"V CHIP Nl_" LIP"
Then press the VOI, + l_u{ton
?) Llse _he number l_ultons _ en_r 4 d[gh access code¸ The delauR access
code is 0000 Id_you haw_ nol set up your personal access code, you should
use 0000
4) Press _he CI] <_i¸ buI_m _(_ poin_ _<_"_vIPAA R_I'ING" Then press {he _CCES_CODE
5) Press IRe (!If <ll¸ b_1{l<lll II_ poin_ _I y_m ¸ desired h_m
VOI, + bu_Ion
Then press _he VOI, + _iIton _(_selec{ [BI,OCKI or ]VIEW]
OPERATIONS (Continued)
<Selection> <Rlflng (ategor) Explanlfions>
C_: (Jenel_tl Audience
PC_: Parental Gttklance suggest_l
[i i¢...................++...........
Restricted; u_d_ ¸ 17 le{itt]les accompa_)ing pa,enl or adult guardian
: I7: N<>oae under 17 admitted
Mamre att<l]ence only
When you select [he ra6ng category and set it to [BI,()CK[, [he higher rating will mkn to
[I_I,()CK[ au[omatically Also+ the h>wer rating will turn [+>[VIEW[ au[omatically
When 5ou mm "G" u_ [BI,OCK] or [VII \\% d_e all ratings _ill mm u_ [BI,OCK] el [VII W[
\Vh_n ou lure "X" Io [VIEW[, Ihcn aH ruling _il[ lure Io [VIEV,[ aulom_li+aH)
6) Pks Ih¢ MIN[ butlon 1o Cxi( [Iw menu
[1['\ _ R \TIN(; SET IP]
I Pks Ih_ MIN[ buuon so Ih_l Ih_ menu displ_ q_pcar on Ihe TV _wen
2) Pks Ih¢ (II or buuon w point 1o "\_( HIP SIT [P"
ThPII pits [he V()L + bull/Ill
3) [ e Ih¢ nmnNi butlons (o cnk'l 4 digil _es c_dP ThP dL,lauh accvss
+ode is 0000 If _ou ha_ nol s_l up _om i_qson d _c_s c_:h', you shoukl ...............................................
us_ 0000 WmPSETUP
4) Pws Ih_ (II or bull+m Io poinl Io "TV RATIN(]" ThPn pr_s ihe w_Tm+
VOI, + btHl<,n CH_N_OOD_
5) Pks Ihc (II <n buHoll I+l pohl[ 1o }otll dish'vd i[_*l_l
Thvn pks [h_ _VIII, + buuon _o dv_l IBI,IK K[ or ]VIEW] .......................
<Selection> <Raling (ategor) Explanations> _ [viEw]
wwr [vmw]
]\cy: App_of, i +k*fo_ +1_cNkl,cm w_ [vmw]
3 \CY7: App,< p_i +it*fH ch_[dlen ,_en and okle_ w 14_ _[vmw]
] \t(k (]_*_q tl Aiid]Pn P W_A_ _[Vl_l
1VIKk Palenta[ Gukhnce uggo tc_l _ .............................................J
]\t14: UI1 ii[Hbk* _bl ch]kh_*l]iiixkq 14
T%tMA: M _lllrc*audkm o only
\Vh_n )ou dicl th_ raling c ih'goly and gel h Io ]BI,O( K[, IhP high_ laling '_il[ tuHI I(/
[BI.O( K[ mum3aiicall_ Ale. Ihe [o_+c_ ruling _il[ mm t+_ ]VII\\'[ auum3aiic dl_
\Vh_n 5ou mm "TV Y" Io IBI,OCK[ o_ IVII W], fl_n aH rating _iH Iron _o [BI,OCK] el
[VIEW] aulomafi_aHy
W c _ u "'%' N, A' IV W[, _ g _ Io [VII W] mi<m_fi+aHy
6) Pks Ih_ MINt buu<m I<+txi_ Ib* mtnu
Sol]x til_k*SI pc_[_nm H]C_ pmbkm +m bc _ai[y soh_d b5+ hP+'king s _cmhlg[y appu, n_ bul olk'n o\_
Iook_ d IX/ssibilifies Belb_e am raging Ib_ s__qce, check Ih_s_ ilems h oluld sl_ ?ore lim_ and money
QI[CK S};I1%]( ]_](]IE(K list _
xx x xx × ×
POSSll_lZ i_1+MH)Y
TVptugg_din? X
,++r* o,d+l_
TW, mw+mbmto. on?
ou_sldm?.nt[_bdn_usd h kfr_hro_n_h x x x x x x
h kfr_lo_alintrf r,n X X X }_
h_ b.t,, m_,+,_, c,,m,,,I X
J_ q_tllt2 of file L{D Pml X
( Iosed (aption Ploblenl
bly TV is shox+ing c qxions ilm_ ttc*
possible Remedy
You are watchiag a live Ix{_dcast and _lliag el_{_s made by {he
clos_ captioning pr+,ducti<>n company may pass {hr{>ugh uncon ect
ed A pie_c_ded program w_ll not sh,+_ any misspelled words
because of I1_enormal time available %1¸editing I1_e captions¸
My TV will not show the text in its enti_ty Captkms tha_ ar e deh_yed a fo,w seconds behind the actual dialogue
ol ¸there is a delay of what is beh_g said¸ are common _1 ¸ llve Ix+,_lcasts M{_t captlonh_g pa,ductlon c<>lnp_+
Elies can display a dMogue m a maximum of 22O wolds per E_l_tEte
If a dMogue exceeds that ra{e, selective _ting _sused to iasure that
the captions _main up t<>da_e with the cunent TV screen dMogue
My cap{bns are scrambled with white h_r_lence caus_ by building, p+,x_er liaes, thu ndelstom_s, etc
boxes on the 'IV screen¸ may cause scrambled {_ incomplete captions to ap_al
My pin, am guide listed a TV sh{,_ as Bl<_dcaster s may at times use a time compression process to {he
being closed c_tloll_ actual _ogram so that addlti<>nal advertising time can be given¸
but none of I1_ecaptions were displayed¸ Since the dec{xler canaot read I1_ecompl_ssed in%rmatlon, captions
will be lost¸
My p_t ec<_ ded video{ape does not sh{+_ The videotape was either an illegal copying {_ I1_etape dupllcatiag
any captions¸ The tape box mentions it company accklentally le_ out I1_ecaption h_g slgnals during the
being cl{_ed captlon_L ct@ylng _{_ess
My TV scl_en sh+,x_s a black box on certaJa You are ia the TEXT mode Select CAPTION m{_le {_ CAPTION
channels¸ [OFFI
The I,CD panel is manul_mred to provkle many years of useflfl lil_ Occasionally a _w non active
pixels may appear as a tiny s[_c of c(flo_ This in not u> be considered a deDc( in [he I,CI) screen¸
When you sekcl TV Y7 T_£PG. TV 14 or'l'V MA and ou p_ess Ih_ VOI. + butlon the sub _l:
ings vail appear on the TV scrt_a
If you sebct the rating category (example: T\_PG> and se( it t++[BI.OCK[ or / ...........................................
[VIEW[. d_e sub ratings (example: V for VkAence> ,aill turn [<+[I(I.OCK[ <}_
[VIEW[ au[<>matically
You can se( [he sub ra6ngs to [BI.()CK[ or [\qEW[ indivklually when [he rat
ing category is set to [I(I.()CK[ "[b set the sub ratings individually [ollow [he
steps bel{>v, r ..............................................
When you select [TV-Y7]: _v7 [BLooq
Press the CI] or buH+>n t<> select "I:V +' (}:;an[asy Violence) Then press {,_ _ [BLOC_q
th+ vol, + b ............. led [BI,OCK] ol [vIEW[ l
When you sdec[ ['FV-PG], [TV-14I or [T\'-MAI: L.............................................
btlHol110 scDcl BI.O( K OI _1I_\ L pLOC_l
] less Ihi ( H el butl+ln Io sch'<( D (Sugg_*sm+ I)mlog). I. (( oms_
Ianguag¢l, S (Sexual SmHlum)ol V (V_oknc_9 Ih_n pks Ih_ \O1, +
Note: \\hen you st lec( [ 1V MA[. D do_s nol aplxm on the [ _ scle_n v _oc+1
The sub / alings which sel 1o [BLOCK[ appem nex[ Io file i iling calegol y ill
fl_e "TV RATING" menu
hess file MF=NU bill[oil RI exit the Illelltl
"[_ chaDge _cce%s code. follo'+_ s(eps
1) Pkss Ih_ MENU bill[elk then pkss th_ CH +n btlilln] Io sdec( "V
CHIP SET UP" P_ess the VOL + butRin Io conlhlu(
2 Pl_sS Ihe IItlnlbel btHlln]s 1+}e_lle_ otl_ okl _ccess code 1[ _ou hl\e ile\e_
sel up }out pelson d _cc_ ss c(K[e, use (X)()0
3) Pless Ihe C[I ol bul{on t(> sekcl "CHANGI COl)IF "l'h_ n pkss Ihi _CC_SSCOD_
VOL + bul(on to conlinue
4 [lse file numbel bullons k_ enl+ r _out desi_(d _ccess c<xk in Ihe NI_W
CODI sp_c_ "lB_n entel (he sam_ code in the C()NFqRM COI)E space
Y+/tll ni'_ access codi is sil You _i[I _i{uln Io Ihe V CHIP SF=T UP" vc.+ps_Jup
I1 Ih_ code in the CONF;II_:M COI)[_ space does nol malch die co& in th/
NIW ( OI)F2 space, It?pt?3[ s(ep 4, nlaking sure _ou entel the same neu code MPAARATING
_XaCII 3 in file CONI:;II_:M COI)Ii space
Ira pou(r failure occms, the delauh codt, 0000, v+ill be II1_ _cti_ Icc_ ss
code a£3h] N_W¢ODg
If potl c(}_3_lec{ Ihe po'& (i c(nd Io all AC oulle{ Ihal is C+_l_D+}l[(d b_ i ua[I CONFmMOOD_
suilch, y(}[ll pelsonal access c<,& _i[I be 013s_3d _3\k'l) thne you [till] off the
pouel at I11_ _+aH suhch "['h_ defauh c+Kk _+il[ _w II1_ acii_e c</& aglin
You sllould _¢skne tile accx ss code to defauh codt. 0000 "[B _(s(Int 0000 _s _oul personal access
code. unplug flit TV's pov, el cmd [or B) st omds. Ihtn phlg il hi again
'v\ip,* th_ h<ml paD_[ a_ld o[[lkl cX[PliOl tit
[a+'_ s of ill( T\' '+iih a </_( cloth imm_*lsed
in [ukc_ _lm _atL*l and _rung dr)
N(_el use a orient or alcohol Do nol
spm_ insecli+i& liquid n_a_ Iht TV Su+h
_hdllicu_'; ml_ cau';c dama_ ulld discol
ol_li<m to lilt exposed ull:u'_s
' [ [ .i _.
I[ the LCD panel shoukl _equire cleaning, wipe
i[ with a cotton or soft c[ofl_ Belk}re cleaning
the picture sc_en+ disconnect the po_er cord¸
P.dno[_* conhol uni( _ ()p_ mlion Mmua[
(UREM'I'21SI I001/ + (IEMN20178/9HS I I MN20178)9HSUREM'I'21SH001) @ ( NN2 79/);S _,N2 7))
BaHedes ('AA x 21
Tuning Syslenl:
_.1 t . ' .' O IIIMII_INK_IM_[III_I[I_._M[I)_5
Zt-h-vision systcnl: NTSC M Relnot _-corltlol: Digital encoded
TV SHnd, ud inflaled light syslt-m
Cl<)s_[ C,q_tion System: § 15 ] 19/FCC Po_el lequiJ emr-nt_: AC 120v BOHz
Ch u]m'l cove].lgt- IL(!-I3 k\ 11 l
VHF: 2 _ I3 Po_¢] consun/pfion(Mlxlmun/): 56W
UHF: 14 69 LCD: I3'
CATV: 2 I3. A - W Dimensknls (H x W x Dp 123/4" x 13'Lx 31 _]_6"
W+l W+84. dnt/udin_ the table stmd) (325mm x 330ntm x 971mn)
A 5 _ A 1.5A ?,eight: 68 lbs (3 Ikg)
181 ch, mnel d_ctudin_ the table st tnd_
f_uency sy nthesiz_[ ILC-15 k% It l
tumng system Po_e] c<)nsumplior_ (Miximum): 65W
[)ilc_t uxes_ keyN ud LCD: I5
plo_l iron+able Dilnenskms (H x W x Dp 14" x 18 9]16" x 10 1/4"
sere md up/down (iac/udin_ the table st tnd) (356nlm x 472nm] x 260ram)
?,eight: I06 lbs (48kg)
VHF/UHF/CATV (iac/uding the table st tnd)
75 ohm unbal raced ILC-20%\ It I
(F type) Po_e] consumplior_ (Miximum): 73W
Mini [)IN 4 pin j Ick LCD: 2()"
RCA _x)lmector x I Dimenskms (H x W x Dp 17 5/16" x 23 5/8" x 12 5/8"
RCA +_)nneclor x 4 (in+/udin_ the table stmd} _4391nm x 601)nm] x 320ram)
\\_:ight: I57 lbs (7 Ikg)
dndudin? TheHhle sl tnd}
S Vide{) input
Video input:
Audio input:
(bmp<)nent vide{) input:
One pin jack (Y), I Vpp 375 ohm)
T_o pin j:.ks (P+)/(IB)_700mVpp (_ ohm)
Headph<me: I/8" stel_o (35 ram)
Stcl_+ Sound Sys_eln
2 spc=akers
2 ways AV input
Sound output: 1"@28 ohm x 2
Designs and specifications air s.kkc[ to
change withoul nolice and without our
legal {_ligation,
If the*_ is a discrepancy beB_ een langtmges,
the del_mlt kmguage will be English,
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Sharp LC-15AV1U Owner's manual

Owner's manual

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