1. CSM initiates communication with the intermediate server and waits for a prompted string returned by
the intermediate server in the Wait For data fields.
2. When the prompted string matches with the CSM's Wait For string that is login, Password, or intermediate
server prompt, then CSM responds by sending the data defined in the Send data field.
3. You can choose Scripted Username and Scripted Password as the intermediate server authentication from
the drop-down. During the actual login, these credentials must be entered by the user in the Login screen.
The appearance of the Login prompt (login:) may vary depending on the operating system (Windows,
Mac OS, or UNIX) where CSM is installed.
The following are examples of entering additional script information in the Login Script Steps dialog box.
The examples are based on the connection type (Telnet, SSHv1, or SSHv2) of the connection between the
computer that hosts CSM and the intermediate server, and the connection type between the intermediate server
and the device.
Telnet to Telnet Scripted Login Example
Telnet to Telnet scripted login indicates that the connectivity type of both the connections: the connection
between the computer that hosts CSM and the intermediate server and the connection between the intermediate
server and the device is Telnet.
Table 6: Telnet —>Telnet Scripted Login
Scripted UsernameSend:login:Wait For:
Scripted PasswordSend:Password:Wait For:
telnet <device host name or ip
Send:intermediate server promptWait For:
Telnet to SSH Scripted Login Example
Telnet to SSH scripted login indicates that the connectivity type of the connection between the computer that
hosts CSM and the intermediate server is Telnet, and the connectivity type of the connection between the
intermediate server and the device is SSH.
Table 7: Telnet —>SSH Scripted Login
Scripted UsernameSend:login:Wait For:
ssh -l <device username> <device
Send:intermediate server promptWait For:
<device password>Send:password:Wait For:
SSH to Telnet Scripted Login Example
SSH to Telnet scripted login indicates that the connectivity type of the connection between the computer that
hosts CSM and the intermediate server is SSH, and the connectivity type of the connection between the
intermediate server and the device is Telnet.
Table 8: SSH —>Telnet Scripted Login
Scripted UsernameSend:login:Wait For:
Cisco Software Manager User Guide
Cisco Software Manager User Guide
Login Script Steps