<mastership-priority>master (default)</mastership-priority>
<temperature junos:celsius="30">30 degrees C / 86 degrees F</temperature>
<cpu-temperature junos:celsius="27">
27 degrees C / 80 degrees F
<start-time junos:seconds="1337708989">
2012-05-22 10:49:49 PDT
<up-time junos:seconds="8735869">
101 days, 2 hours, 37 minutes, 49 seconds
Router rebooted after a normal shutdown.
For a dual Roung Engine device, the test case checks the XML output to determine if the Roung
Engine in slot 0 is the primary Roung Engine. The test secon uses the item route-engine[slot = '0']
expression to select the route-engine element that has the child element slot value of "0". The test case
uses the is-equal test operator to compare the value of the mastership-state child element with the
string value "master". If the test case returns true, the Roung Engine in slot 0 is the primary Roung
Engine. If the test case returns false, the code reports two error statements.
The mandatory do secon includes the names of all test secons that should be executed when Junos
Snapshot Administrator references this conguraon le. For this example, the do secon contains only